A tribute to our Bocce Ball Club
It is here on Bakkestranda that we ready ourselves for a triumphant game of Bocce Ball. This will be the last game for the year. Well since Brad is the one that loves the game as much as me...and is willing to even forge the wintery breezes for its execution---and he will be leaving...then I see that this might be the last. So we dedicated this game to him. Even with all that said and the perfect scene painted for Marius, Brad, and I to toss with ease and joy...
Saturday Slackerday
YWAM Skien Christmas Party!
playing & dancing with the stars!
Every Tuesday night Lyndee and I have hosted this evening called 'The Room' we slide the piano from the 4th floor down and open the prayer room for sitting, soaking, and singing in God's presence. It has been an experiment thus far and we want it to be so much more, however we are just waiting on what. This last Tuesday was really special. Christina from Germany (last year's Reboot singer) was visiting and she plays the violin....so she joined. I was able to play my new songs on the piano with a violin!! And this was Brad's last week. He will join the SOE in England (to which I will visit in January) so he was just jamming out on the drum. He is dynamic on that hand drum! I will really miss that energy here at the base.
This is our new drum for the base. Helina helped buy it and take it from Estonia. What a gal! The drum sat first class on the plane! Now guess what??? My friend Matt Kunnari is visiting me from the states and he is bringing a Yamaha piano and a huge box for us. I can admit that it is 2/3 cheaper to get it from the states! He will bring it before New Year's!! Just pray that my credit card works and everything is easy at the airport. Amen and answer to prayer!!!
And this is where my life really comes alive! I have begun to teach ballroom dance lessons to the people at the base. It went really well this last Wednesday. I will take some more lessons the Wednesday we come back in January. The people really liked the Fox Trot and the Swing steps I taught. It is a great opportunity to train up the men to be MEN...not passive Scandinavians! They love the special attention too. 'If the woman looks good...it is because you are good...men!' That gets them smiling of course! More pictures to come...just keep in touch!
Open Window Art Gallery
This is the view from the big room. We could have some nice sculpture work on tall stands here. I think that is in the future!
Jule Tre Jakt
(no we did not choose the small one...we found a nice size tree just taller than me...so I still had to put the high ornaments on, but it was a normal and beautiful size. It looks wonderful in Lyndee's apartment. Happy tree hunting all you out there. You never know when you will find out! Keep your eyes open!
Identification with the death of Jesus Christ means identification with Him to the death of everything that never was in Him.
Our Lord does not pretend we are all right when we are all wrong. The Atonement is a propitiation (appeasement)whereby God through the death of Jesus makes an unholy man holy.
Utmost for His Highest
December 8
I have begun giving free Private Creative Lessons. God gave me the idea this weekend when I wondered how I can begin to mentor people and to teach them what I know. There has not been any collective gathering in which I can teach specifics so I must come up with it on my own. I offer a half an hour free to the YWAMers here in Skien. Here are the options:
christmas with a question mark
my friend Matt Kunnari from Dordt College (GO DORDT) is coming to NORWAY over new year 2008 to visit me!!! He will go to a wedding in Holland and then come up to Oslo...Hamar...and hopefully Skien for a day to see what the crazy kids in Norway are like. Good luck with the food, the language, and the cold!!! I am so excited to have someone from hometown Iowa to come to represent the midwest and all that is green and actually right now.....colder than Norway.
I just got a snow ball thrown into my ear....as I am sitting at my computer. What are the odds. Helina was outside and she got curious and brought some inside...and then it got in my ear. We got a bit of snow today. but not like Iowa! Sorry guys!
No deep thoughts today.
There is one.
If you think you have arrived at any destination with God....then you should go home.
If you would choose one of these places in the UK which would you choose?
Jeg gå på Norsk kurs to ganger hver uke!
This is the view to the left of me when I sit in Norwegian class on Mondays and Thursdays. That is what the title of this blog is: 'I go to Norwegian course two times every week.' Slindile from South Africa sits next to me and then there is Piotr from Poland. He has a gap between his two front teeth. There are usually 8 Polish people who speak non stop Polish in class. And Piotr has an incredibly deep voice that in a hushed wisper becomes a tonal grumble that is sounded above all other noises. It is most distracting!
Rebuilding the Ancient Ruins
On This Island
on this island
im all alone
and Im sad
theres no one here
no one wants to be
so im all alone
the waves are coming
the water is rushing
im gonna drown
the waves are coming
im gonna drown
im all alone
on this island
im all alone
and im sad
theres no one here
no one wants to be
so im all alone
the sand is hot
the water is salt
and im tired in my mind
where can i go
who will come with
theres no one here but me
give me a boat God
give me a way out
im going to drown here
im all alone
on this island
im all alone
and im sad
theres no one here
no one wants to be
so im all alone
my body is hungry
my spirit is thirsty
i want to be filled
i gotta turn my eyes to you
i gotta face my heart to you
and be transformed
and be restored
the train station in a dream vision
It's pretty clear to me that God is using this vision to speak to me about my life.
It speaks to me about my purpose.
It speaks to my heart about its burden for Norway.
It speaks to you too.
This is a train station. A very special train station. It has trains going out all over the place. All the way around! There I am standing on the Platform. The station was so busy this day that I was helping all the people get on to thier trains at the right time. There was so much noise, and so much joy. Instruments, speakers, and luggage! Okay...goodbye! some trains depart. waving we are happy to see they all made it on.
the last train departed.
i was not on it.
This is a worship train station. that's me standing there on the platform after everyone had somewhere else to go. No train for me. No where to go. No one to join. No one to join me!
why God? I am a worship leader here and I need to be with others. I guess you have already shown me that I must need others...so then where are they now??
How could you leave me here alone?
ok...really I know you are here too...but what about worshipers?
The only ones who are here are the lady who works at the kiosk turning hotdogs and the one who drives the taxi car. What good are they to my worship team...and where is my train!!!
They are not worshipers--and not even thinking about trying to be! Thanks alot!
All the worshipers went somewhere else and left me here. I am here with a bunch of zeros!!
I was shocked at that one. Heros?? Yeah right. The lady at the kiosk can play the hotdogs not the piano. The taxi driver can put the pedal to the metal not the drum!
I was angry for a long time.
Intrigued actually.
Couldn't you send some more back from the worship trains to help us start out? I mean there are so many trains and people. They can spare one or two musicians for me? You have to send me a crew! Was I the only one that has come to this station and been moved to compassion to stay here..instead of move out? How strange to stay when there is plenty of places to go and people to meet, faces to get famous, and pride to grow.
But if I should stay. then you must send worshipers...on trains or something, and musical instruments, and songs. These are tools of deliverance. But can I ask one thing?
Is there a train for us too?
After no response I figured it was too early to ask. How could I do this? These people don't even think they can worship you! They have never been invited to do it. No one invited them to dance. How can I train them?
So this group of hanyack will be transformed when I believe in them?
So, what about a train?
But those other trains are so fast and efficient. I do believe that they just rush by the slow, the weary, the broken, and the cripple who are walking along side the worship tracks. Perhaps this will take some time because of people we will pick up on the way. we will train them up.
Heart thaw
My heart is the same as those hands and feet frozen to the bones. The fire of God is coming close. And it hurts. Not a bad hurt, but a melting hurt. Since when is it painful to melt? When you have been frozen next to forever...then freedom hurts. Would you agree? It is because God has given me a heart of flesh not a heart of stone. Stones don't melt. (unless under intense volcanic pressure from within the core of the earth...happening daily)
Although it hurts to be near the flame..the burning heart of God. I desire to be there. I know I must. I cant have frozen hands and feet. Those are what God is using---I can't be stiff.
how ironic---freedom hurts.
wet meat makes a mess and I do too.
The boat!
there was a woman (because I am gender specific, this being about my life i can do that), who lived on an island. she was sure that she was supposed to be there, but there was some things about that island that were not true. this island was a place of the past for her, she had lived there for some time and she was growing out of it...and this place was haunting her of her past, her failures, and her lonliness.
there was another land far off in the distance over rough waters and cold depths. this land had not been in the picture before...it had been so foggy for years. often the woman just walked around the island, touching the cold water...shuttering with fright. 'I would never go on that water!' But as this other land becomes more visible as clouds and fog lifts she wants so badly to explore and go.
the water is cold
the water is dark
the water is deep
the water is long
the water is fear
the water is life
so she stands on that island with her back to the goal. there is a desire to go, but that would risk something. there would be a change. she would never go back to that island again. she would never be the same again. she questions, what would that island have that my life here doesn't have? people. love. truth. community. I wonder.
above the crashing waves she can hear a voice calling out. 'COME! NOW IS THE TIME! JOIN ME HERE!' it could be a warning, it could be an invitation, it could be a TRICK! Why could she be here all this time and be happy, growing, and living and now feel this deep longing for something else. There is a desire in her to discover the cold, deep, long, fears of life.
how will she cross this treacherous water?
she stands with her back to the water.
little does she know that the Lord has provided for her if she would turn towards the goal, set foot towards the danger, she would see with her earthly eyes the boat waiting on the shore. It is only when she turns to go that she will see it. the boat will make no sound to announce its providential arrival. the Lord is the keeper of all boats. He can give one when He wants to.
perhaps if she turns and sees then she will go in. then she sets sail across the wide wet spaces of extreme aliveness. but the storms arise and the temptation to go back stir inside of her as the warring waters stir on the outside. she never told anyone she was trying to cross the dangerous waters so it will look like she was just out for a boat ride. then....she didnt fail in the eyes of others. (there was no one on her island, but she understood condemnation, failure, and hypocracy) if she turns now...she saves her life, and she saves her face. people won't know she tried and she won't be ashamed later.
perhaps she goes through the storms and crashes.
perhaps she goes through the storms and drowns.
perhaps she goes through the storms and arrives.
her life will never be the same. and as she stands on that shore she notices a woman just like her on an island like the one she just left. wandering, lost, alone, scared, and ashamed.
she cries out to the woman there
the thoughts
I think I have to just stop and reschedule before my whole life goes...out out out! I want to tell you all the stuff that has been happening with the base leader and plans for the future, but I have to admit that I am in a standstill. I dont know whether I will take more schools, start schools or what anymore. I just don't have peace about any of it. I do have peace about worship and taking it to another level in temple ministry here at the base. I don't have peace about something else in my heart. I am just in a strange place. I was so excited and so thrilled just two weeks ago and then in conversations and discussing visions to come I have come to a dry place. I have to seek God and that is where the rubber hits the road.
I am willing...but am I saving myself for something big.
I know I must be a greater encourager to those around me and I know that I must see what God is doing and declare it!!!! What happened to the Erika that I used to know. Is she being replaced with a disconnected and somewhat distant relative of fear and failure? Bummer!
I have some to think about...more or less I just have to get a hold of my life and shake it around and ask....
what do you care about?
what are your priorities?
what do you need to change to see stuff happen?
what is standing in the way?
what is God saying? I think He says choose...and live!!
like I said....its this confusion about what I am doing here. I wish I was with my friend Andrew going across Eurasia on the open road just biking and knowing what was expected everyday. Of course dying to myself everyday. There is some daily spiritual dying here, but there is more striving. At this point I am the only one who has kept my boundaries...and still I am too busy and still I am striving to do what I should. I am coming to a point in my life that I have to decide how to live. How do I want to be alive. I have to make a choice about God's voice...do I hear it or not! what does He say?
Think of all the people in the world...and how they live? They made a choice once to live. How many of them are happy? Can I really be happy? What if I am happy? Am I doing something wrong? Why would I think that being happy is wrong? Who told me that lie? Must I be miserable and striving to feel like I have any worth on this earth?
But sometimes life chooses itself. I am not in that group though. Praise God!
I chose God, who has given me a choice to chose Him. He has works prepared for us to do already. Am I in the right place to recieve those works?
I underestimated the spirit of depression, doubting, worthlessness, shame, overactivity, and striving here in Norway and Europe. It is strong and I am fighting with all my strength!
fighting. huffing. puffing. blow the house down!
dark chocolate turtle in my hair
I have some pictures on facebook that you can look at too. All just for fun!!!
Facebook pictures
Something like a circus that looks like heaven
The Women's Conference in Kristiansand
Well, it was crazy in many ways that I should just start to expect as I walk from day to day in my life here on earth. I am not supposed to understand the ways of God and this weekend helped me see that I can not understand it!
So. What happened. Well you can almost imagine what might happen when a thousand women get together without the normal life around them to hinder the communication with God. The Lord does a crazy thing with thier hearts....in freedom. It's something worth remembering to see women over 50 deciding for the first time to follow Christ with thier lives and hearts. Its something crazy to try to put myself in the shoes of an 88 year old lady who hears the voice of God tell her to take a blue worship flag and walk up and down the aisle blessing us all in intercession and prayer. Its something like a circus that looks like heaven.
It brought tears to my eyes to see perfectly refined women surrendering thier wills over to the Lord and to go dancing like a little child before the rest of the group. What kind of desire to actually want the presence of the Lord to follow you and be in you must come before you put your reputation down on the line?
Reputations......aren't those the last things to get laid down. Yeah....take my pride, take my life, take my time.....but then it comes down to the actually actions of God dwelling in you....lifting your hands, praying out loud, crying, dancing, standing, lying on the ground, going up humbly for prayer....and you wonder............did that person who is weeping bitterly in front of a thousand people know she would do that when she came today? Of course not. I know because she is Norwegian. For some reason I actually believe charasmatic responses to the gospel in Norway.....because a Norwegian under the spirit of the culture would NEVER do anything that put themselves apart from the others.....because of reputations.
So what happened? I think that the presence of God is so heavy....and so real....and when it comes to the choice, will you make it? Will you choose God or will you choose your reputation? This is what I am talking about people! Reputations die. God does not.
So what I think happened was that this lady desired in her deepest of deepest places to welcome God in and made the choice to lay her final sacrafice on the altar, her reputation. And the peace that comes in the MOURNING. The freedom in faith not for a response or reaction to God....but a body offered as a living sacrafice to God.
That's what he is looking for.
What would you choose?
I am honest and say that I just watched this circus that looked a little like heaven. The women being touched by God and I just watched and stared. God was putting a peace in my heart...but a compassion to understand in my deepest of deepest places.....enticing me.
'Erika, do you want me to fully place my heart in yours? Do you trust me enough with your life to give up your reputation for my plan? You wonder if they will still love you? You know that answer, it doesn't matter if they love you....when the cold wind blows all around, and no home on earth can be found I will still love you!!"
That sacrafice. It looks like a cross.
It says in Psalm 34:4-5
'I sought the Lord, and he answered me, he delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to Him will be radiant, their faces are never covered with shame.'
I have often been ashamed. I am trying to figure out why or when it all started. I think it's crap. It's a lie actually. And the fear of shame has no rule in my life...only the victory of Jesus who took shame upon himself has rule here.
Often I find myself doing things that I think I need to do....and not the things my heart is telling me to do. Often the heart things are the things I want to do...like spend time with God, dance, write music, paint, ride bike, have relationships....but I choose something different and less satisfying because of some shame I carry. That I am ashamed to see my heart be extremely encouraged by doing what I know I should. Doesn't that sound strange.
This weekend I am going to Kristiansand to play violin at a women's conference. I have a feeling there will be many women there.....and encouragers too! Talk to you never....shame!
a visitor from the east
So this is where I sleep. My jail cell. When the day is done and I come to my bedroom it is as peaceful as the warm sun on a Iowa night (the kind without humidity and bugs in your ears). I got the bed spread on sale for 12 dollars, the map was from my room at home and I have all you alls picture tacked up on it for my people here to see how blessed I am to have you! The tree......isn't it cool. It was there when I came. A daily reminder to be a tree planted by water of Life! I often sit in my room using my pilates ball, journaling about the day, or just listening.

The first weekend of DTS, September 20-22 I joined the students on their actually sort of grueling wilderness trip . We packed up our bags for three days and two nights in the wilderness. We hiked for more that 5 hours everyday and made camp with tarp and rope on trees. I used my outdoor mattress and my sleeping bag and warm woolen clothes I thankfully bought the day before (on a whim...'oh I might need these'...boy did I ever!!!!) Freezing at night on the cold ground. We chopped chicken heads, plucked them and made soup, and got all nasty and unshowered as a nice way to get to know the new students.

We really did do some serious hiking. I am not kidding you. Norwegian terrain is challenging at times. The students didn't know how long we would be out, we kept info from them. That's what good staff does!

So does this photo look funny? Is Ragnhild really dressed for tundra? Is Andreas really dressed for a quick dip in the pond? Yes. Ragnhild was not exaggerating, and Andreas was put up to the challenge to swim across the frigid pond. In this relay...my team won. Oh wait, my team always won this weekend! Awesome..we were!

This is the winning team! Team 1, actually it is a fitting name. Shall I introduce you them?
DTS Leader Markus in the blue jumper, my little brother Eirik looking adorable, bending awkwardly is Tina (Itsy Bitsy) , championing the three fingered smile in bright neon green is Jonothan, the beautiful Ingebjørg in whom I visited a month ago in Voss stands before us in black, then Ragnhild (DTS staff and was friends with Danny Klaver in Los Angeles) , me...president of the weirdo club, and behind me--Natasha our Russian mystery!

I am not alone in my endeavours to be myself. I have found fellowship with the Wallace and Grommit folk. 'Grommit, we forgot the cheese!' Jonothan does a great Wallace!

And of course my friend Danny Klaver who has nothing really to do with Norway except that I received a great and suprising phone call from him the other day. He found out my number and just called. I think this is a great thing. You can also call me when you want. Let Danny be a role model for you. Just email me and I will get you the number. We might have to work out a time that suits, but we can try.
That's it for now. But check back often...especially this weekend for more pictures from the west coast. Love you all!