
Jule Tre Jakt

We were on the hunt for the best Christmas Tree had to offer.
Which I was sort of disappointed with. All the ones we saw had these crazy Dr. Suess looking nobuals coming out of the top. Christmas in Who-ville.

There were so many trees...a veritable jungle....well actually was except all the trees were cut down

Helina giggles as we seem to be struggling to find the perfect tree for Lyndee's apartment. Her brothers and sisters come and laugh at us. She is just an Estonian troll!! Merry Norway Christmas! HA HA HA

Look at this one....Lyndee and Helina would never be able to reach the star at the top. Guess who would do it...ahem.....me! This is not a good choice kids. Moving on!Now we are talking. Lyndee found her soul mate. A goldie locks tree...not too tall, not too small, just right! Goldie Locks Style!
Pack it in Helina. Lets go deck those halls!
(no we did not choose the small one...we found a nice size tree just taller than me...so I still had to put the high ornaments on, but it was a normal and beautiful size. It looks wonderful in Lyndee's apartment. Happy tree hunting all you out there. You never know when you will find out! Keep your eyes open!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

that sounded like fun... i like tree hunting. however i'm not in my appartment enough this christmas to have a tree- it would die all alone. and that would be sad