This was a spur of the moment project....but I took it like the wind to a willow tree. (mind the stupid phrases) I was to set up an art show for the open meeting we sometimes have on Monday nights. The students have been doing some art and ever since I opened it up to private lessons the art has become much more frequent. I have been doing some and there. So I knew I could fill the walls with some things if we needed. I actually thought there would be so much extra space, but was perfect. We have this clothing store space that works as our big open meeting area and now art gallery for open meetings. I hope to fill it with more art and different stuff each time. But the lighting is pretty great. Just check out the show---a sneak peak!

This is the view from the big room. We could have some nice sculpture work on tall stands here. I think that is in the future!

Two of my small pieces. I made these the first week of December. I feel very good about them but 'Chase' is a favorite with me and with the students. I think they are slowly being inspired by the abstract with purpose aspect of painting. It stretches thier growing minds. The other is called 'Promonition of Bright'.

The view from the side stairs. We used a low level line to measure it off because the awkward black line through the whole room....too high to line with...and too low for forget about. I had two private lesson girls join me to hang the show. Theresa and Stine are interested in painting and I made them hang this show instead. They were great sports about it...and so helpful! If you see them say thanks for me!

This oil painting was given to our base by the leader of the Golden Age folk. He is a painter and plays the oboe. We are like kinship. He has become our base grandpa and his wife the grandma....they are just starting here with us and it is really cool to have an older generation present with us at the base. We are all quite young here. The oldest is maybe 36. Youch!!! That is over 60 people that are under 36 and over 18.

It has been so cool to have a mentor this year that is an artist as well. She has painted the one on the left called 'Sky Spin' and now at the first YWAM Skien art show we got to display ours together. Mine is on the is entitled 'Surrounded with Deliverance'. What unique styles we have, but still on the same wavelength. I am honored to share the space with you Hild Mari!
I think we will see many more art works coming out of YWAM Skien. Not because we are a specifically creative focused base, but because we are crying out for a lifestyle of worship here. I can tell we are working towards a balanced life with ministry and life and wondering....can it be possible to let our lives be ministry....and be worship? When people are discovering what God has put in them...and expressing it...things are happening. People come alive and we LIVE! Amen.
I wish I would have been there, looks really nice. And I really like both of you two's art, it's capturing beauty.
And, fun to see the creativity spreading throughout the base. Keep it flowing.
erika!!!!!!!! I AM SO PROUD of YOU!!!! this is what norway needs! this is what skien needs. my goodness... you touched my heart with this :) the art classes, paintings, dance classes, everything... this is what worship is about :) YAY for Erika... YAY for God... YAY for NORWAY!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm glad we have you here... eventhough i dont get to see you very often. you're a shinning star in the midst of a cold winter :) And everyone knows that stars are most beautiful in the winter.
love and hugs...
ps- relax and get rejuvinated over the christmas... the ride has only begun... Spring is going to take on it's meaing... "SPRING" (- to life-)... as in 'spring to life' and also 'to live'...
hmmm... i suggest thinking about that.
love you - your lil' canadian friend
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