Its like that in the kingdom of heaven too. The difference between a person living in the light and living in the dark doesn't have to be so is often very dark and light....think of the change as soon as things from the past are brought into the light. Stunning!
Rebuilding the Ancient Ruins
We were on the roof yesterday. We had 17 TONS of roof stones to carry and place upon the recently prepared surface. Two Lithuanians have been working for us the whole autumn. I dont know how to pronounce their names...but I have tried to make a significant connection with them. I mean, it makes a difference to love where you work as a foreigner. I hope I have been an encouragement. We pay them to work here.....which means they are earning at least 15 dollars an hour (because this is Norway) and we are a non-profit organization so this is sort of rediculous to pay them to come....but we need them. We are a bunch of unskilled children of God that more than not....get in the way of those who can work effectively. The two Lithuanians are in this photo: in the green and the one on the roof peak. At least we unskilled ones can move roof we did it. The day was beautiful and we were sweating and dancing upon that roof. The feet doing a graceful ballet upon the thin wood panels. It was estimated that we moved at least 2 tons of roof stones....each.

I think this shot is rad! The base leader Runar sweating like a jungle pig in that late November morning sun. The town of Skien in the back. The tops of all the city center. Birgi is in the bottom corner like a miniature helping Janne who just cut her wrist deeply...and went to the hospital moments later for stitches and officially our first construction injury. Praise God we have not fallen off the roof...or the scaffolding...or cut an arm off in the saw. We are protected!
sweet shadows upon the south wall of the Methodist Church next door
This roof will look really great when we finish it. I have learned so much about building and even Norwegian construction. The roof tiles...the sun windows...cutting fire wood......thousands of tons of wood for 90 winters!
Some of the carrying crew. Alice (Mrs. Base Leader) gives two fingered peace sign. Markus (Mr. DTS School Leader) throws a hand to say hi from the other side. Birgitte (Miss...soon Mrs. Department of Operations and Communications Leader) peeks over the peak. Werner (Mr....soon to be a married version of a Mr. City for Jesus Leader) is the beast of burden on his birthday...carrying two piles at a time of those rediculously heavy stones.
another sweet shadow shot. Those strong light to dark contrasts are stunning...dont you think?
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