that is the title of the cd.
it is not made yet...but it is being made as we read this. Last night was the LIVE recording in the culture house and it went well...for the most part. There were two songs that we really crumbled on, but we had a second chance at one...and the other was the TITLE SONG!! no joke. the song entitled Surround was a bit of a messy deal during the concert. oh well. there are masters of technology out there.
my voice is hashed. i am so twitching tired, but I am encouraged. I believe that this cd will reach many people. that is....if they buy it. there was supposed to be a break through in the cd sales, but only 33 bought some-----disappointing. there were 230 people at the concert. we even gave them a great deal too. oh can't buy them all.
i hope to post a video soon. i had one violin part and it went really well. later I realized that playing the violin is a major strength. i was handicapped a bit when I was just singing. i could not manage to express with melodies what I had in my heart. with the violin I can actually express what is in my heart. Gary told me that I was a very good violin player. that means alot coming from someone living in Nashville. He told me he has known hundreds of violinists and yet I have proved to him over and over that I have a beautiful and natural melodic tone. it is a tender mix between country and blue grass....but really more like something that is celtic and born out of worship. that is what it is....born out of worship. I have not studied any violinists and i actually do not know famous violinists. maybe I should. but then again....., but then again.......
yeah. do you know any?
our last rehearsal
The recording is tonight! Last night we finally put the singers with the band. It was a bit nerve wracking to believe that we would get all of the words right...and we would be singing from our hearts. It's a hard connection. To be perfect, but to be natural...and to be worshiping and not performing. It is a good lesson to learn of course. We have practiced so much...hours and hours of singing. I am awake now on this Saturday morning and my voice is rough. I don't know what to do to make it clear and angelic. I hope I can participate with my whole sound. And if you ask anyone here...that whole sound---is loud! So I might just want to participate with my whole heart and part of my sound.
These are the girls singing from the stage. Alice (YWAM Skien leader, with the face), Kaja, Hild Mari, and Maria. It is good pressure for us to learn these LIVE album concepts.
A stolen photo taken of us relaxing between songs.

There is a lot of energy coming out of these people. I sometimes wonder if I am in Norway! It will be fun at least to be here with them.
I hope the rest of the weekend is going good. I am sort of crammed into this position and can't really go around and enjoy the other parts. I missed the meeting last night....which was packed they say. I hope today is just the same! We could be surprised how many youth come to be together. I know that my roommate Ragnhild is just organizing everything like always! She is great. SO great!!!
I hope the rest of the weekend is going good. I am sort of crammed into this position and can't really go around and enjoy the other parts. I missed the meeting last night....which was packed they say. I hope today is just the same! We could be surprised how many youth come to be together. I know that my roommate Ragnhild is just organizing everything like always! She is great. SO great!!!
the weekend
since last has flown here in Skien. I think the finger of God is in all of this...He continues to bring unity amongst His people. The events leading up to this weekend's excitement are all part of God's plan. What is this weekend?
We are recording a LIVE album here in Skien. We have invited youth from around the county of Telemark to come and be with us for an encouraging conference called Embrace. I believe it is a great way to combine our hearts and efforts with the churches in Skien as well as take a big step forward in our small world here. It is exciting to think of what God will use this LIVE worship cd for in the years to come. We see the need to encourage youth from around Norway. Many of them are the only Christians in their towns and the towns can be dark places....not just in the winter.
A man named Gary Sadler from Nashville, TN has come to produce this cd. He is doing a fantastic job. I really enjoy getting to know him and.....even Runar admits that without him this thing would be a disaster. He is very clever and creative. His personality is just winning. It is so easy to honor him. He loves the Lord. He was going to start a church with Micheal W Smith many years ago but decided to pull out because Micheal was so much more well known. If you listen to any Susan Ashton cds...than you hear Gary Sadler's songs. It is amazing that we have such a musical genius and Christian music world star with us. AMAZING!
So if you are thinking of thanksgiving and turkey this weekend....try to focus your food stuffed self on Norway for a moment. We are stepping out in a realm we have never stepped out in before and we believe that God is going to do some big things. It will be great!!
Let me know if you want a copy. I can buy one cheap for you in January!
P.S. One of my songs that I wrote in Switzerland is going to be on it. Not played Live...but a hidden track put on there later. I am honored!
We are recording a LIVE album here in Skien. We have invited youth from around the county of Telemark to come and be with us for an encouraging conference called Embrace. I believe it is a great way to combine our hearts and efforts with the churches in Skien as well as take a big step forward in our small world here. It is exciting to think of what God will use this LIVE worship cd for in the years to come. We see the need to encourage youth from around Norway. Many of them are the only Christians in their towns and the towns can be dark places....not just in the winter.
So if you are thinking of thanksgiving and turkey this weekend....try to focus your food stuffed self on Norway for a moment. We are stepping out in a realm we have never stepped out in before and we believe that God is going to do some big things. It will be great!!
Let me know if you want a copy. I can buy one cheap for you in January!
P.S. One of my songs that I wrote in Switzerland is going to be on it. Not played Live...but a hidden track put on there later. I am honored!
rites of the music junky's world
I joined Arvid Petterson (a Christian album musician from Skien) and his make-shift band to Tøfte (near Drammen, Norway) for a Saturday night concert. There were some things I had to learn about the concert scene. There are rites to such an entertainer's entrance.
1. The outfit. What slightly unique items could I find in my closet to complete this winning 'stage outfit'?
I found:
a salmon colored pleated skirt and a grey cardigan (both lost and found items--$0)
black ankle tights--totally a Norwegian winter necessity (hand-me-downs from Anne Randi--$0)
2 black tank tops (Old Navy--$15)
thigh high black and grey striped socks (H&M--$7)
black scarf (Gina Tricot--$7)
Norwegian boots (Kristiansand--$15)
glittery broach to keep the gray cardigan closed (Ragnhild's closet--$0)
2. Loving the stage kids. This is Arvid's youngest daughter Josephine. She and her sister Johanna sing with dad. Only 11 and 14...but they can harmonize well...and are not shy! We're best friends now and will hang out 'off stage' sometime.
3. Eat cake with famous people. This is Charlie Blackwater. He is one of Norway's most talented harmonica players. He is from Kristiansand. This man is so unique...not only do his teeth make him a star....his hard like a rock diaphram muscles do too. His first words to me....'Erika, Erika...I, I'm not a junky.....I, I am a musician!' (well said). He gave me a stage name: FIDDLE ROSE
4. Be willing to WING it! I sat with Arvid in the car on the way there and he told me....'A, B, Bb, C....than repeat that, wait 4 measures...D, C#, C' that is without ever hearing the song, or having my violin out. I get to the stage....with my outfit on....and go. A major wing! A large even enormously giant wing!
'Smile' by Arvid Pettersen. I am not playing on this song...but I am dancing and having a good time in the audience.
I found:
a salmon colored pleated skirt and a grey cardigan (both lost and found items--$0)
black ankle tights--totally a Norwegian winter necessity (hand-me-downs from Anne Randi--$0)
2 black tank tops (Old Navy--$15)
thigh high black and grey striped socks (H&M--$7)
black scarf (Gina Tricot--$7)
Norwegian boots (Kristiansand--$15)
glittery broach to keep the gray cardigan closed (Ragnhild's closet--$0)
'Smile' by Arvid Pettersen. I am not playing on this song...but I am dancing and having a good time in the audience.
moving up in the communication world!
we have internet now in our apartment.
and now we are discussing the rules.
helina says we should have time lock box so it cannot be used until after 5pm.
erika says we should be able to talk after midnight!
ragnhild says we should have a schedule and go to bed at midnight
hmm. will this be good.
at least better with our family and friends across the sea.
yeah us!
and now we are discussing the rules.
helina says we should have time lock box so it cannot be used until after 5pm.
erika says we should be able to talk after midnight!
ragnhild says we should have a schedule and go to bed at midnight
hmm. will this be good.
at least better with our family and friends across the sea.
yeah us!
skien is coming alive!
well...when I feel alive then I feel like the whole city is alive. so...I feel alive! so are alive!!
come in and learn and have time with good influences! I am so proud of my students....they areI started lessons this week. I had a group vocal lesson on Wednesday night. I was surprised that more than 15 showed up. They were all so excited about being a part of it. I was impressed! Then last night I had the first Ballroom Dancing Lesson. It was also a HIT! There were close to 25 people there. I taught the basics of Fox Trot and Swing. They love it! The students and staff absolutely love it. I think I might open it up for others to friends from the outside can fantastic. And you know....I am just a teacher in and out. I love to teach and I love to help! It is a great LIFE. Thank you GOD!!!
These are my delightful students learning the Fox Trot.
I mean, come on....who will EVER use the Fox Trot? is so fun to learn old fashioned things like this. It teaches so much about posture, man and woman relationships, courtesy, and appropriate physical contact....according to YWAM values. YEAH!11.13.2008
some old videos to share
August in Switzerland:
At the Hotel Schweizerhof in Lucerne, Switzerland with Richie Elles. Amazing Spontaneous Music!
September in Norway:
I am playing the violin in these performances here playing in Ålesund, Norway for the YWAM European Arts Gathering (find me in the back right corner) . I had no practice. I just was thrown in. Nice!!
First one is: 'Intro' by Chris DeLuke
Second one is by Gåte
At the Hotel Schweizerhof in Lucerne, Switzerland with Richie Elles. Amazing Spontaneous Music!
September in Norway:
I am playing the violin in these performances here playing in Ålesund, Norway for the YWAM European Arts Gathering (find me in the back right corner) . I had no practice. I just was thrown in. Nice!!
First one is: 'Intro' by Chris DeLuke
Second one is by Gåte
the end is always the beginning
New videos posted! I want to share what we played tonight at the conference. It is only a snippet of the two songs...but you can hear the violin soaring through the air. Just imagine 1300 women crammed in that church. wow.
'You are my Sanctuary' by Gary Sadler
'Be Near' by Shane & Shane
Alice, the singer, is the base leader in Skien. I have really enjoyed getting to know her more on our trip. She has become like a big sister or an aunt to me. If she ever makes a cd and travels around Europe with it....she will call me and I will be her violinist! YES!
I don't know why I was here at this conference yet. But i do know that one girl had heard me play violin at Catch the Fire in Oslo and was so blessed as I was walking around the audience and playing to people. She was sitting next to a man that I stopped by to play for. She was so tired in her mind and heart and when I played it just brought streams of refreshing tears to her eyes. Alice suggested that I get my violin and play for her again right now. GREAT IDEA! I went to fetch it.....and then realized that I should be doing this more. Why not? The violin is my spiritual weapon. I use it to bring joy to sadness and healing to brokenness. She was double blessed as she listened to the private concert we had. God used me. I am used.
Unfortunately, I have been having these painful ear aches lately. I have gotten them at other times of my life and now it has been plaguing me since I flew to Norway from the states two weeks ago. It was in the right it is in the left. Every touch of the outside of my ear is painful and also there is a deep thumping and dull ache. It's painful. Alice with her reckless hands gave it an accidental big smack and I writhed in pain. Perhaps I should see a doctor? I bet it is just deep in the head congestion like the other times.
Well on my way out of the meeting...which lasted until 10 minutes before midnight!.......I saw Carol sitting on the chairs. I was like....'no, why is she just sitting available?' I wanted her to pray for me...for my ear and I also wanted to ask her how her knee was (the one that Will prayed for while we were in Redding, CA) I battled a bit in my mind...'no, she has been praying for 2 hours now...she is tired, you don't need the specific prayer from her, just's late!' BUT NO!! I was bold and I asked an ministry teammate if I could have prayer from Carol. She said YES. So I knelt down beside her and as I started to ask for healing prayer for my ears I just wept. I could hardly speak. The words that came out were..' I'm afraid I will go deaf, my ears hurt a lot of the time, I don't want to go deaf!!' She looked at me...taking my head in her hands and prayed. Her fingers were pressed really firmly in the side of my head and it was not actually painful at that moment. Her ministry companion laid a hand on me too. It was like the whole world stopped and God had given them both the little bit more energy they needed to receive me. Carol took my head again and looked at me....then gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead. I thanked her. My ear was not healed in that moment....but I got a moment to look into those deep eyes of love. The eyes that have seen hundreds and thousands of signs and wonders of the Holy Spirit. And the cool thing was....I was not afraid. I asked her about her knee. How was it feeling? She said it was doing so much better since California. I told her that it was my boyfriend that had prayed for her. She got bright eyes and said, 'was it really??' She said it was much, much better and that I should thank Will for her. So....Will, if you are reading this....THANKS FROM CAROL ARNOTT!
we drive back to Skien tomorrow.
i get internet in our apartment soon!
will we go to Germany for Christmas? I believe so!!!
'You are my Sanctuary' by Gary Sadler
'Be Near' by Shane & Shane
Alice, the singer, is the base leader in Skien. I have really enjoyed getting to know her more on our trip. She has become like a big sister or an aunt to me. If she ever makes a cd and travels around Europe with it....she will call me and I will be her violinist! YES!
I don't know why I was here at this conference yet. But i do know that one girl had heard me play violin at Catch the Fire in Oslo and was so blessed as I was walking around the audience and playing to people. She was sitting next to a man that I stopped by to play for. She was so tired in her mind and heart and when I played it just brought streams of refreshing tears to her eyes. Alice suggested that I get my violin and play for her again right now. GREAT IDEA! I went to fetch it.....and then realized that I should be doing this more. Why not? The violin is my spiritual weapon. I use it to bring joy to sadness and healing to brokenness. She was double blessed as she listened to the private concert we had. God used me. I am used.
Unfortunately, I have been having these painful ear aches lately. I have gotten them at other times of my life and now it has been plaguing me since I flew to Norway from the states two weeks ago. It was in the right it is in the left. Every touch of the outside of my ear is painful and also there is a deep thumping and dull ache. It's painful. Alice with her reckless hands gave it an accidental big smack and I writhed in pain. Perhaps I should see a doctor? I bet it is just deep in the head congestion like the other times.
Well on my way out of the meeting...which lasted until 10 minutes before midnight!.......I saw Carol sitting on the chairs. I was like....'no, why is she just sitting available?' I wanted her to pray for me...for my ear and I also wanted to ask her how her knee was (the one that Will prayed for while we were in Redding, CA) I battled a bit in my mind...'no, she has been praying for 2 hours now...she is tired, you don't need the specific prayer from her, just's late!' BUT NO!! I was bold and I asked an ministry teammate if I could have prayer from Carol. She said YES. So I knelt down beside her and as I started to ask for healing prayer for my ears I just wept. I could hardly speak. The words that came out were..' I'm afraid I will go deaf, my ears hurt a lot of the time, I don't want to go deaf!!' She looked at me...taking my head in her hands and prayed. Her fingers were pressed really firmly in the side of my head and it was not actually painful at that moment. Her ministry companion laid a hand on me too. It was like the whole world stopped and God had given them both the little bit more energy they needed to receive me. Carol took my head again and looked at me....then gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead. I thanked her. My ear was not healed in that moment....but I got a moment to look into those deep eyes of love. The eyes that have seen hundreds and thousands of signs and wonders of the Holy Spirit. And the cool thing was....I was not afraid. I asked her about her knee. How was it feeling? She said it was doing so much better since California. I told her that it was my boyfriend that had prayed for her. She got bright eyes and said, 'was it really??' She said it was much, much better and that I should thank Will for her. So....Will, if you are reading this....THANKS FROM CAROL ARNOTT!
we drive back to Skien tomorrow.
i get internet in our apartment soon!
will we go to Germany for Christmas? I believe so!!!
taking the time
this is the song that I wrote for Tracy's wedding as well as the song that I played here at the women's conference in Kristiansand. Enjoy!
is this a women's conference?
i got in the small car that was going south. the women's conference was the destination. alice byberg (YWAM Skien's base leader), maria (from my team), anne-mari (amazing woman), me, and evan wilson (who we called Evalyn....for the night). we led worship on thursday for 400 women who were pastors and leaders. i played violin...and then afterward there was an opportunity to play the song I wrote for Tracy's wedding. it was perfect. so many people came up to me and told me how amazing it it ministered to them. it was an honor to play music hand in hand with Carol Arnott. She was using time to pray as I played over the women. it was special. I have to believe that God used my wrestling with His heart in the month of October to write this song just for his good and perfect plan for his women here in Norway. God is good!!
after the meeting we went out for a girls night---kebab and hamburgers at midnight!
then....we were filled with joy and food and decided a girls night was not complete without some jumping on the bed. wow! this is really fun!!
but then, there is this photo which is fantastic. it looks so weird.
all that kebab was tossed up in me. I am surprised i kept it down. and I am surprised the neighbors did not mind all our noise.
want to see more? click here
i am not sure why i am at this conference again. there is so much spoken about spending time in face to face moments with Jesus. i really feel like I am saying... I GET IT! Yet something draws me to I on the far edge of a season I already know or am I on the front edge of a season I am just blind enough to not see? I suppose I will wait and see.
All I know is that I want to become Mary of Bethany, to give a great big hug to Anna the Prophetess, and kiss Jesus!
making all things new
i am in my new office. i upgraded to a larger, colder, and quieter place. I have moved a desk up to the window overlooking the city square. we are in a building that has a great location in the middle of Skien. the man who owns it is actually letting us borrow it for free. I suppose if the for sale sign on my 'looking out' window was obeyed we would have to move out within 2 weeks of notice. i suppose that is something that would cause a leader to not sleep at night, but Runar...our base leader...doesn't worry. God knows what we need. It really builds my faith to be on staff here at YWAM Skien. Most of the time I am just trying to follow the meetings which go between Norwegian and English but otherwise we are discussing many issues. I find it amusing that our base is just exploding. There is NO room for anyone else to sleep here! I am surprised the teachers still want to stay there with the crowded hall and very acoustic sound levels. A topic at every leader meeting is ' will we put this new boy?' Ugh! If sleeping on the street was legal we would suggest it. I mean come on, we already have a camper in the backyard of our 'middle of the city house'. Crazy!
so you wonder how I can have this quiet and large office? well...the second floor of the office building (different than the prison, which doubles as housing) is the prayer, counseling, and lost and found boutiquen floor. the traffic here is light....since the store on the first floor will throw a fit if we stepped on their ceiling with anything but Indian moccasin silence. The room also doubles as a hotel for any youth that come for conferences. So....then I just hide my things I guess. I am not an office person but since I have so many relationships that are not HERE AND NOW in Norway---I am forever on the phone! Let's celebrate NEW OFFICE DAY!!
P.S. I made it onto a very important list on this other guy's blog. check out my status!!
polish kids and men in pajamas
as I promised, cookies were baked for random neighbors and Polish friends up the street. I made 50 so we (Ragnhild and I.....she was recruited for the job) made 'God November' cards and wrapped up those little chocolate covered raisin cookies . Who celebrates November for no apparent reason? We do! HAPPY NOVEMBER! Can you imagine getting a random person at your door saying that? We met a man living next door who we had never seen before. He came to the door in his bathrobe and short socks...come on! It was 2:30 in the afternoon. We were he probably thought he was still dreaming!
but he was shocked (stunned is a better word) ...but he was the one wearing a we were shocked too!
...tttt tusen ... tttakk!

but I must admit....on behalf of me and Ragnhild...this little encounter with people was just what we needed. It was fantastic to get in contact with those around us. I have discovered something more about myself and in the process, realizing a depth of my calling. These things that bring me the most joy do not always include music or leading worship. The things that bring me the most joy are connectedness with people. I am discovering my shepherd heart. I am so happy! I am so glad that I am not actually called to be just a leader of worship, but a leader of hearts! It is discover peace in this. I spring to life on the inside when I have fellowship with people. To tell you the truth...the best year of my working life so far was not here in Norway, but it was working as a waitress in Orange City, Iowa. I was alive on the inside and out! I was encountering people all the time...and they were encountering the love of God through me. Now.....Lord, more love for Norway....serving, shepherding, creativity, and rest! You know how. So let's do it here in Skien. Maybe even for those Polish kids...and all the neighbors in bathrobes.
but he was shocked (stunned is a better word) ...but he was the one wearing a we were shocked too!
...tttt tusen ... tttakk!
but I must admit....on behalf of me and Ragnhild...this little encounter with people was just what we needed. It was fantastic to get in contact with those around us. I have discovered something more about myself and in the process, realizing a depth of my calling. These things that bring me the most joy do not always include music or leading worship. The things that bring me the most joy are connectedness with people. I am discovering my shepherd heart. I am so happy! I am so glad that I am not actually called to be just a leader of worship, but a leader of hearts! It is discover peace in this. I spring to life on the inside when I have fellowship with people. To tell you the truth...the best year of my working life so far was not here in Norway, but it was working as a waitress in Orange City, Iowa. I was alive on the inside and out! I was encountering people all the time...and they were encountering the love of God through me. Now.....Lord, more love for Norway....serving, shepherding, creativity, and rest! You know how. So let's do it here in Skien. Maybe even for those Polish kids...and all the neighbors in bathrobes.
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