A tribute to our Bocce Ball Club
It is here on Bakkestranda that we ready ourselves for a triumphant game of Bocce Ball. This will be the last game for the year. Well since Brad is the one that loves the game as much as me...and is willing to even forge the wintery breezes for its execution---and he will be leaving...then I see that this might be the last. So we dedicated this game to him. Even with all that said and the perfect scene painted for Marius, Brad, and I to toss with ease and joy...
Saturday Slackerday
YWAM Skien Christmas Party!
playing & dancing with the stars!
Every Tuesday night Lyndee and I have hosted this evening called 'The Room' we slide the piano from the 4th floor down and open the prayer room for sitting, soaking, and singing in God's presence. It has been an experiment thus far and we want it to be so much more, however we are just waiting on what. This last Tuesday was really special. Christina from Germany (last year's Reboot singer) was visiting and she plays the violin....so she joined. I was able to play my new songs on the piano with a violin!! And this was Brad's last week. He will join the SOE in England (to which I will visit in January) so he was just jamming out on the drum. He is dynamic on that hand drum! I will really miss that energy here at the base.
This is our new drum for the base. Helina helped buy it and take it from Estonia. What a gal! The drum sat first class on the plane! Now guess what??? My friend Matt Kunnari is visiting me from the states and he is bringing a Yamaha piano and a huge box for us. I can admit that it is 2/3 cheaper to get it from the states! He will bring it before New Year's!! Just pray that my credit card works and everything is easy at the airport. Amen and answer to prayer!!!
And this is where my life really comes alive! I have begun to teach ballroom dance lessons to the people at the base. It went really well this last Wednesday. I will take some more lessons the Wednesday we come back in January. The people really liked the Fox Trot and the Swing steps I taught. It is a great opportunity to train up the men to be MEN...not passive Scandinavians! They love the special attention too. 'If the woman looks good...it is because you are good...men!' That gets them smiling of course! More pictures to come...just keep in touch!
Open Window Art Gallery
This is the view from the big room. We could have some nice sculpture work on tall stands here. I think that is in the future!
Jule Tre Jakt
(no we did not choose the small one...we found a nice size tree just taller than me...so I still had to put the high ornaments on, but it was a normal and beautiful size. It looks wonderful in Lyndee's apartment. Happy tree hunting all you out there. You never know when you will find out! Keep your eyes open!
Identification with the death of Jesus Christ means identification with Him to the death of everything that never was in Him.
Our Lord does not pretend we are all right when we are all wrong. The Atonement is a propitiation (appeasement)whereby God through the death of Jesus makes an unholy man holy.
Utmost for His Highest
December 8
I have begun giving free Private Creative Lessons. God gave me the idea this weekend when I wondered how I can begin to mentor people and to teach them what I know. There has not been any collective gathering in which I can teach specifics so I must come up with it on my own. I offer a half an hour free to the YWAMers here in Skien. Here are the options:
christmas with a question mark
my friend Matt Kunnari from Dordt College (GO DORDT) is coming to NORWAY over new year 2008 to visit me!!! He will go to a wedding in Holland and then come up to Oslo...Hamar...and hopefully Skien for a day to see what the crazy kids in Norway are like. Good luck with the food, the language, and the cold!!! I am so excited to have someone from hometown Iowa to come to represent the midwest and all that is green and actually right now.....colder than Norway.
I just got a snow ball thrown into my ear....as I am sitting at my computer. What are the odds. Helina was outside and she got curious and brought some inside...and then it got in my ear. We got a bit of snow today. but not like Iowa! Sorry guys!
No deep thoughts today.
There is one.
If you think you have arrived at any destination with God....then you should go home.
If you would choose one of these places in the UK which would you choose?