Here is a photo of me and my beautiful mother. We ate at HuHot for a goodbye dinner. Love you mom and dad! I miss you already!
I left Pumpkinland with a bang! There was a VOTA band concert behind the shed + 500 youth. It is so sad to leave that wonderful place, but I am so happy I got to be a part of that wonderful pumpkin patch family.

The special art piece I had been making (batik: wax and dye process) was for Dave and Helen as a thanks for all their wonderfulness.

I need to paint again soon. I have felt God's surge of creativity pouring through me as of lately. I have been overwhelmed with ideas and concepts to express through painting, but no time. Pray for that please. This is a 'blow your mind' piece of artwork from the Arts Conference I attended with Don Harding in Colorado Springs last weekend.

The artist, debi Story Maddox, is painting from a place of deep prayer and meditation on God's Word. This painting really struck me because it reminded me of my calling---and who I am!

We went to the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs

with our good friends Sara & Ross. Yeah!!!!! for couple-friends!!!

Being in Denver is different than anywhere I have ever been before. I think it is the mix between a
--new place and
--new place in life.
I have been here for a week now....officially!
Will and I are discovering very important fundamentals in our relationship. Now that we are
finally in the same place on this earth that poses some transition as well. Keep our relationship in your prayers as we joyfully discover what it means to be ' two people in relationship' not just 'a relationship'. ponder that one!
The school has been in session for a week now. The real meat of the teaching and classes begin next week. We are bonding and getting used to the dorm living, work duties, and schedule this week. I have a few wonderful roommates and a small group that has already been a blessing. I begin the reading soon.

I found out my weekly work duty. Monday through Friday I will be in the kitchen preparing dinner from 3:45-5:30.

I made this veggie tray! Isn't it delightful?
Will and I looked for cars Wednesday night. I think I want a 4 door, used, foreign car of some sort. It's exciting to think that someday I might be able to own something like this for my very own.....wow! The Lord is such a great provider. Think back to your first car......that's me now. ha ha ha! If you want to help finance this car with me.....let me know. :)
That's it for me now. Enjoy your weekend.