yes.....I painted this pumpkin. Helen (the Pumpkinland lady herself) asked me to fix the little pumpkin problem. A stem was broken off and we can't sell those. Would I find a large white Scallop from the field and create a hat for the stemless pumpkin? Use these paints and make a face....and here is HOT GLUE! I have to say it was a first for me.....painting pumpkins on the clock (the 100 minute time clock). Helen was satisfied and it now is displayed on the stairs in the shed. Come and see....and marvel!
on to the juicy stuff...
I was talking to Will on the phone last night and I was just sort of sad. I was trying to explain to him that I am just beginning to realize how wonderful it is here in Orange City. My month has been WAY too fast. He said I was in the squeeze of the hug. I was like......yeah. You know when you say goodbye to someone you don't just give a little pat on the shoulder, 'thanks for coming, see ya' pathetic farewell. When you are really saying goodbye you give a solid that is memorable and strong. I know that some people can't really hold themselves together to do anything during goodbyes. I have been one of just make jokes up until the point that you say those parting words. It's all fun and games just to hide the sadness of it all. No one will see how hard this really is. So....hugs are good. They are a moment to bury your face in the shirt of the one who is going away. It is a way to connect once more. It is a final touch to remember. If you believe in GOOD goodbyes then you will take time for this very important part of your transition.
I am in the squeeze of the hug right now. I will not just ignore the goodbye I must deliver to Orange City and its orange pumpkins. But instead I will embrace it. I will take and give just a little bit more before I release. It is as though that last ummph in the hug will communicate the last bit of 'things I can't say in words'.
On the contrary I am about to say HELLO to a new world in Colorado. I feel really excited about that as well. I sense a shift in my energy and a refreshment to do what I am made to do. Ahhh! It is so nice to hear the Lord and follow. I am asked to 'stay in ORange City and be here with us' over and over, but I am so sure that it is not where I am to be. It is so nice to give that ummph in the hug and feel closure.
I went to Lillian's birthday party this weekend. It was probably the first time I ever drove down to Omaha with the intention to just visit and then leave. The other occasions have been as I was about to move somewhere in the world. It felt good.....different.....real....and special. The idea that I am going to be at least continentally available is so good. The idea that I am going to be a part of YWAM but in the states is so different. The idea that the nieces and nephew are growing whether I was there to see every step or not is real. And the idea that God has presented this time to happen at this very time in my life is special.
question to you:
what in your life is...
Saying goodbye is just as important as saying hello. I can't just skip over the last chapters of a book and I can't try to read the last chapter before I get there. God has His in it.
peace friends.
Lillian's 5th birthday was FUN. We had pizza and CINDERELLA cake. Cinderella was wrapped in cling wrap and frosted into the cake. It's sanitary. Lillian is growing into a little lady for sure.
Brielle! She has just learned to walk by herself. It is so adorable to see what kind of personality she is developing as her older brother and sister are living their walking, running, talking, singing years. Who will Brielle be? Beautiful and gentle.
Oh I like this post!:)
And I like the squeeze og the hug...I Tried the google translator on your post,and it became: "klem i klem" I guess we dont have a real word for squeeze.hehe!
Im going to answer your questions:
-Im starting to get used to my new life in my new city, thats good.
-Im starting in a job where I know what to do, and the church has organized everything so well that I feel overwhelmed!Thats different;)
-Real, Im a hardcore student, with examns comming up!
-I get to be a part of what God is doing in Oslo,and all the people here,thats special!
alright;) Thank you for a great post, I love you Erika in America.
I "ditto" what Maria said! Love this post :) Glad I could help contribute the theme ;) hehe
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