not volume, but depth
Our time in Estonia has been great. As for the time when I was queasy, that is over. The team has been very welcoming for Helina and I. Both of us are not on Reboot full time. We have just joined for this trip. Since I have last posted we have traveled almost everyday across the land space of Estonia. Remember it is very small, you could ride your bike the circumference in 2 weeks time (or less if you are like Fueled By Rice and riding for a lifestyle across Eurasia). We have been in Rakvere (a place I had been in two years ago) the thing I remember from then was that there was a boy that was saved. I hoped to see him, but he did not show up. I did meet a lovely girl who had spent her time in South Africa during the time I was there too. We could speak Xhosa together. We traveled to Tartu and then to Valga in the south. We had another show Sunday night. Here I met a girl named Eva who was 25 like me. She worked in the church thrift store and was studying to be a seamstress. I asked her what she wanted to give over to Jesus....that he would show His power in her life. She said the guitar! I prayed with her and I know that Jesus had set her before me to talk to. Helina helped to translate (which is always good). Before I left she ran out and gave me a teddy bear holding a heart from the thrift store. THe heart said 'I love you'. I think God is up to something in her heart!
After that we stepped into Latvia with our feet and took photos. We traveled to Tartu again on the way to Talinn. That evening in Talinn we had no show, but a little clip of the show. Two dances and I played a song on the piano...(Psalm 139:7---where can I go) . We had a wonderful team night eating at McDonald's and laughing very loudly!! Yesterday we spent the day in Talinn on a tourist day off. I saw the old town and Helina and I skipped around across the brick lain streets.
It is really exciting to meet some older youth...ones moving in the Spirit. Something is coming alive in Estonia. I love to see it. Oh yea....I forgot to say that I have been very bold in my personality. Here in Europe it is really cold sometimes. I just pray for more boldness of my spirit to bring the light into dark places. I realized on this trip....the theme *It's not about volume, it's about depth*
Today we go to Poltsamaa for a full show. Tomorrow we are back near Talinn in Saue. We have a show there on Friday and then a show in Parnu on Saturday. We celebrate Estonian Independence Day on Sunday and then take that terrifying boat Sunday night!
Please keeps us in your prayers
After that we stepped into Latvia with our feet and took photos. We traveled to Tartu again on the way to Talinn. That evening in Talinn we had no show, but a little clip of the show. Two dances and I played a song on the piano...(Psalm 139:7---where can I go) . We had a wonderful team night eating at McDonald's and laughing very loudly!! Yesterday we spent the day in Talinn on a tourist day off. I saw the old town and Helina and I skipped around across the brick lain streets.
It is really exciting to meet some older youth...ones moving in the Spirit. Something is coming alive in Estonia. I love to see it. Oh yea....I forgot to say that I have been very bold in my personality. Here in Europe it is really cold sometimes. I just pray for more boldness of my spirit to bring the light into dark places. I realized on this trip....the theme *It's not about volume, it's about depth*
Today we go to Poltsamaa for a full show. Tomorrow we are back near Talinn in Saue. We have a show there on Friday and then a show in Parnu on Saturday. We celebrate Estonian Independence Day on Sunday and then take that terrifying boat Sunday night!
Please keeps us in your prayers
In Estonia....but not without a fight!
Oh and not without a fight!!!! Wow. We have been on the road since 8 30 Thursday morning and now we finally arrived in Estonia. It is late and we have had a 12 hour driving day through Sweden and a 11 hour boat ride. I thought the boat ride would never end. I hated it! It was the most awful ride ever. There was a fact that many got sea sick and that boat was so rocky. I was fighting it out on the deck for an hour at the end. I was praying out loud on the boat deck....just trying to focus on God and forget my endless waving mind of crests and troughs---20minutes, 15 minutes, 10 minutes!!!!!! It was a wonderful time of prayer--I was really able to focus on God! I want to continue to pray so boldly....even without physical ailments as the motivation. Do you want to do that too? It is a matter of the mind...and a challenge of the spirit. I was trying to believe that the cold Februrary Baltic Sea air would freshen my stomach and my dizzy mind. When it was my focus that did it. Its just that 12 hours in a boat...captive from land and from stopping the rocking is tiring. At least in a car you can stop the travel and be totally still. You can not in a boat. However, we are here on land and our bodies have adjusted to the ground again and people are able to eat something. We drove to the church where we sleep. It is the same church that we were at two years ago. It is quite cool......to be in the same place. I feel like I am retracing my steps and sort of getting a second chance to take Estonia with my booming voice! Please pray that it stays with me this year....and does not flee from me!
"When the day comes for me as it did for Hanna, that my Samuel, in whom all my hopes are centered, passes out of my hands into God’s, then I shall know what it really means to worship in him. For worship follows in the wake of the cross, where God is all and in all, when our hands are emptied of all we hold dear and the focus shifts from ourselves to God that is worship."
---Watchman Nee
---Watchman Nee
deep and vulnerable
a dream of a wonderful & easy life
hard decisions are seldom made in easy times of life
deep changes in life seldom happen because of small issues
important changes hardly come through unimportant confrontation with others
personal help is only sought through personal relationships
understanding other weaknesses and troubles do not come through personal perfection
comforting other people is learned by being been comforted
so why do I long for a uncomplicated, easy life?
the values that make life such a treasure
are found in a life that is deep and vulnerable
hard decisions are seldom made in easy times of life
deep changes in life seldom happen because of small issues
important changes hardly come through unimportant confrontation with others
personal help is only sought through personal relationships
understanding other weaknesses and troubles do not come through personal perfection
comforting other people is learned by being been comforted
so why do I long for a uncomplicated, easy life?
the values that make life such a treasure
are found in a life that is deep and vulnerable
Much ado about something
On Friday Jan 25 I joined a worship concert in Porsgrunn. This is the worship team from my church. I enjoy playing with them, they are open to the revelation of the Holy Spirit in worship. I just sometimes wonder why we must title things. Why is it worship? What expectation comes with that? I wonder what we would rather call it? Its just that worship can sometimes become performing. Don't you think that line is gray?

Swing Kids 3
I was honored to teach yet another well attended swing dance session last week.
Here are some of the participants really getting into it. I would say the Fox Trot is a fun dance....
but I would be lying. It's always good to start with that one....because then swing is like AMAZING!
Ragnhild and Timo
Einar and his slippery sliding partner from Hedmarktoppen Art School
I just sold this painting!
Seriously, I had NO intention of selling this art here at the base in Skien. I made this piece to hang as a conversation piece in the Thursday night cafe. But when the DTS teacher for week 3 from Swizterland came and saw it he said, 'Who painted that? I have got to buy it!' I was standing with him and blushed. I had painted it...and could not admit it. I didnt want to sell it. I made the poor guy work to buy it. He called all the cafe staff for permission and he gave a price. I must say I was not paying myself enough. He is an artist...a painter, and so he knows when he sees something good I guess. I thought of asking for 150 dollars....that sounds great! He offered me 200 Euro before I said anything. If you do that math you will find that his first offer was 300 dollars. I took it. Since then I have been assigned to do another coffee shop painting as well as given an opportunity to paint a prophetic dream for a couple here. I love how everyone at the base is involved with the process. There is a great field of hunger here. So I must feed it! Nam Nam!!
Seriously, I had NO intention of selling this art here at the base in Skien. I made this piece to hang as a conversation piece in the Thursday night cafe. But when the DTS teacher for week 3 from Swizterland came and saw it he said, 'Who painted that? I have got to buy it!' I was standing with him and blushed. I had painted it...and could not admit it. I didnt want to sell it. I made the poor guy work to buy it. He called all the cafe staff for permission and he gave a price. I must say I was not paying myself enough. He is an artist...a painter, and so he knows when he sees something good I guess. I thought of asking for 150 dollars....that sounds great! He offered me 200 Euro before I said anything. If you do that math you will find that his first offer was 300 dollars. I took it. Since then I have been assigned to do another coffee shop painting as well as given an opportunity to paint a prophetic dream for a couple here. I love how everyone at the base is involved with the process. There is a great field of hunger here. So I must feed it! Nam Nam!!
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