
In Estonia....but not without a fight!

Oh and not without a fight!!!! Wow. We have been on the road since 8 30 Thursday morning and now we finally arrived in Estonia. It is late and we have had a 12 hour driving day through Sweden and a 11 hour boat ride. I thought the boat ride would never end. I hated it! It was the most awful ride ever. There was a fact that many got sea sick and that boat was so rocky. I was fighting it out on the deck for an hour at the end. I was praying out loud on the boat deck....just trying to focus on God and forget my endless waving mind of crests and troughs---20minutes, 15 minutes, 10 minutes!!!!!! It was a wonderful time of prayer--I was really able to focus on God! I want to continue to pray so boldly....even without physical ailments as the motivation. Do you want to do that too? It is a matter of the mind...and a challenge of the spirit. I was trying to believe that the cold Februrary Baltic Sea air would freshen my stomach and my dizzy mind. When it was my focus that did it. Its just that 12 hours in a boat...captive from land and from stopping the rocking is tiring. At least in a car you can stop the travel and be totally still. You can not in a boat. However, we are here on land and our bodies have adjusted to the ground again and people are able to eat something. We drove to the church where we sleep. It is the same church that we were at two years ago. It is quite cool......to be in the same place. I feel like I am retracing my steps and sort of getting a second chance to take Estonia with my booming voice! Please pray that it stays with me this year....and does not flee from me!

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