the idea is genuine, but the heart is hard to get to.
I just pray that all who read this will desire a heart filled with worship, surrender, and God.
it is possible that to worship you need a revelation of God....and to get that...you need a revelation of yourself. I am a temple of the Holy Spirit...what is this house the HS is living in?
So reveal yourself God.....by revealing me to me.
its not just an idea, it's possible to live.
so do it.
that open window commercial
Here is a new concept. I am going to start to use this blog for my travels...since there will be quite some traveling this fall. I would love to keep you updated on where I am and what I see. You can catch up with that here. The other blog will be about things having to do with Skien.....or home....or family.....or mind boggling thoughts on the foundations of God.
So click here for SWEDEN
and here for SWITZERLAND
So click here for SWEDEN
and here for SWITZERLAND
Nedre Elvegate 6b
I am in love!
Ok.....let me explain. I am in love in more than one way. I guess you can see that the letter I wrote to Norway has worked. God has shown me a love for Norway more than I can even make up...or imagine for myself. I am so grateful that I am free to say that I LOVE BEING HERE! It is the first time EVER that I love being in Norway. Really it was an answer to prayer. I hoped that I would adjust to being here quicker than 6 months. 'God, can it be two weeks?' and it was! God is good. I am in love with Norway for the first time......if peace is love than that is what I got!
Check out that waterfall, and that amazing bike MONGOOSE!
I have been on a 21 mile bike ride today. We took a mountain pass to discover the hills are fun to go DOWN not up. Helina and I are a reckless pair on the bikes. It is fun and educational. As roommates we have decided to begin making small videos teaching each other how to do things. Today was the first. Helina's bike tire popped.....then we found a bike tire.....and used it to replace. Got it on video.
My two lovely roommates Ragnhild and Helina and myself have now moved into our apartment and we love it there!
We have a small deck outside the kitchen window in which we can climb onto and overlook the canal. We have spent some evening hours reading, chatting, and drinking coffee there. So much peace and discovering the foundations of life and how that always equals God. mmmmm TRUTH tastes good.

On deck: it is a wonderful place to read, rest, write, and reflect
We have been studying up on how to eat better and are together looking at ways we can change our habits and make good choices. We eat alot of raw foods...fruits and vegetables. Ragnhild is really into it and it is fun to explore the options of this way of living. Our first meal at the apartment was looking this this. It was warm pasta with a dressing over a delicious salad.

Nedre Ellvegate 6b Special #1:
Ragnhild's Hot Pasta Salad

Nedre Ellvegate 6b Special #2:
Carrot Bisque and Homemade Rolls
If anyone is interested in the recipes...we can share. You give us one, we will give you one.
October: USA TRIP: Omaha, IHOP, Kansas, Iowa (Tracy's Wedding), California

I have been on a 21 mile bike ride today. We took a mountain pass to discover the hills are fun to go DOWN not up. Helina and I are a reckless pair on the bikes. It is fun and educational. As roommates we have decided to begin making small videos teaching each other how to do things. Today was the first. Helina's bike tire popped.....then we found a bike tire.....and used it to replace. Got it on video.
My two lovely roommates Ragnhild and Helina and myself have now moved into our apartment and we love it there!
We have a small deck outside the kitchen window in which we can climb onto and overlook the canal. We have spent some evening hours reading, chatting, and drinking coffee there. So much peace and discovering the foundations of life and how that always equals God. mmmmm TRUTH tastes good.

On deck: it is a wonderful place to read, rest, write, and reflect
We have been studying up on how to eat better and are together looking at ways we can change our habits and make good choices. We eat alot of raw foods...fruits and vegetables. Ragnhild is really into it and it is fun to explore the options of this way of living. Our first meal at the apartment was looking this this. It was warm pasta with a dressing over a delicious salad.
Nedre Ellvegate 6b Special #1:
Ragnhild's Hot Pasta Salad
Nedre Ellvegate 6b Special #2:
Carrot Bisque and Homemade Rolls
If anyone is interested in the recipes...we can share. You give us one, we will give you one.
October: USA TRIP: Omaha, IHOP, Kansas, Iowa (Tracy's Wedding), California
GO.....GOing FEST
Place: Stavern, Norway
Event: YWAM Norway's GO Festival
Weather: sketchy, in Stavern there is the most sun all year....not this weekend
What's Up: God is working on me in ways that I have never seen coming
Who is here: All of the Norwegian YWAM bases' staff, that includes my good friends Anne Randi & Pølle.
What's Happened: Last night YWAM Skien won the soccer tournament trophy.
Something else: I am a bit bummed that I had to pay 840KR to come....when the food is hard to eat with my stomach and I would rather make my own. I could have saved 500KR!!! (that is $100)
The Best Part: I walked this morning down to the bay and sat on a rock. I was listening to Kim Walker on my mp3 player. I was dreaming about what a foundation of worship is. I listened to the water rushing up to the rocks. I felt a peace come around me. What is the foundation of worship? It is fellowship with God.....to bring reverence to Him we need to see that he is reverent. To worship we need to believe that he is worthy of worship. I can not do this with music alone. I must boast of God. I must bring His name into the light....all the time. It's not about music and an environment of performance that I am so often pressured to produce. I sense my spirit rebelling against the performance. I have to believe that God will show me what to do.....and that the funky comments are not forming me....but God is. So.....it was a good rock to sit on.
Another Best Part: I see beautiful Norwegians here. The people are just beautiful! And they don't have to try.
Cool Part: I thought I would not play violin at all....but good old Jan Honningdal saw me and made sure I was joining him last night. It was the longest worship set ever. We played in the spirit for 2 hours.....just listening to people sharing verses and prayers. All the while we were dinking around in the back. Anne Randi's little brother Stefan was on the electric guitar. It was cool to play with him.
I leave you with these words.
Event: YWAM Norway's GO Festival
Weather: sketchy, in Stavern there is the most sun all year....not this weekend
What's Up: God is working on me in ways that I have never seen coming
Who is here: All of the Norwegian YWAM bases' staff, that includes my good friends Anne Randi & Pølle.
What's Happened: Last night YWAM Skien won the soccer tournament trophy.
Something else: I am a bit bummed that I had to pay 840KR to come....when the food is hard to eat with my stomach and I would rather make my own. I could have saved 500KR!!! (that is $100)
The Best Part: I walked this morning down to the bay and sat on a rock. I was listening to Kim Walker on my mp3 player. I was dreaming about what a foundation of worship is. I listened to the water rushing up to the rocks. I felt a peace come around me. What is the foundation of worship? It is fellowship with God.....to bring reverence to Him we need to see that he is reverent. To worship we need to believe that he is worthy of worship. I can not do this with music alone. I must boast of God. I must bring His name into the light....all the time. It's not about music and an environment of performance that I am so often pressured to produce. I sense my spirit rebelling against the performance. I have to believe that God will show me what to do.....and that the funky comments are not forming me....but God is. So.....it was a good rock to sit on.
Another Best Part: I see beautiful Norwegians here. The people are just beautiful! And they don't have to try.
Cool Part: I thought I would not play violin at all....but good old Jan Honningdal saw me and made sure I was joining him last night. It was the longest worship set ever. We played in the spirit for 2 hours.....just listening to people sharing verses and prayers. All the while we were dinking around in the back. Anne Randi's little brother Stefan was on the electric guitar. It was cool to play with him.
I leave you with these words.
a new beginning
Dear Norway,
Please forgive me for being a jerk. One time I was talking about you behind your back and I did not say such nice things. It's just that sometimes I was discouraged by being here and then when I thought about coming back and hanging out I was sad and sort of worried that you would hurt me again. I was wrong. Please forgive me for thinking that you would hurt me...instead of letting me bless you first. I hope and I pray that I can come with an attitude of grace and peace as I walk through your streets as I talk to your people and as I take pictures of your landscape. I believe you mean more to me than I have actually understood. I suppose it will come down to the last moment when I will finally say goodbye and I will wish there was more time. I hope I can have that time now....instead of remorse for it later. So let's start on the right foot.
I want to be here. I want you to know that. There are of course other places that I would love to be right now, but God has not prepared me to be there yet. There will be time for those things later. Don't be anxious is what goes through my heart. I am sure you felt a little neglected when I first came....but know now---my attitude has changed. I choose to be here. I have not failed at this. I will not fail because God has anointed me for the job. I look forward to blessing you beyond your wildest imagination...because God is going to do it through me.
Are you okay with this Norway? I suppose you don't have a choice. You are my flower and although you have thorns and you try to poke me....I will water you, care for you, prune you, and share your beauty with the neighbors (from Sweden to Denver & South Africa to Orange City).
Listen here....let me tell you the truth:
An Ode to Norway
* you are beautiful as you cast a long summer shadow across the 10pm sky
* when I see your people I think about a successful humanity who knows how to use resources and is really lucky to live here...they accept refugees, love the outdoors, and eat at all times of the day and never gain a pound & when the time comes they go to bed.
* as I travel across your land I see heights and sights never explored by anyone from Iowa---and even those from Denver would wonder what the Rockies were missing.
* there is a certain seriousness to your weather...as though the humans are one with the temperature. Very curious how you trained them like this. I can see a Norwegian granny naked on the beach in August or discover her shoveling wildly in her decked out December wear.
* i am not afraid to enjoy you because you mean me no harm
* i thank you for your generosity for the time being......even though like a strict parent you kick me out every year demanding that I apply to come back in and live here. That get's tiring....but you are good like that---not everyone can be here! I learn to lean on your discernment.
* one more thing----you look good in scarves and hats----just like me. I guess we are twins.
Sincerely your friend!
Erika James
p.s. I am really looking forward to getting to know you better. I mean this could be our last time in this context. Let's make the most of it. Yipee!
Please forgive me for being a jerk. One time I was talking about you behind your back and I did not say such nice things. It's just that sometimes I was discouraged by being here and then when I thought about coming back and hanging out I was sad and sort of worried that you would hurt me again. I was wrong. Please forgive me for thinking that you would hurt me...instead of letting me bless you first. I hope and I pray that I can come with an attitude of grace and peace as I walk through your streets as I talk to your people and as I take pictures of your landscape. I believe you mean more to me than I have actually understood. I suppose it will come down to the last moment when I will finally say goodbye and I will wish there was more time. I hope I can have that time now....instead of remorse for it later. So let's start on the right foot.
I want to be here. I want you to know that. There are of course other places that I would love to be right now, but God has not prepared me to be there yet. There will be time for those things later. Don't be anxious is what goes through my heart. I am sure you felt a little neglected when I first came....but know now---my attitude has changed. I choose to be here. I have not failed at this. I will not fail because God has anointed me for the job. I look forward to blessing you beyond your wildest imagination...because God is going to do it through me.
Listen here....let me tell you the truth:
An Ode to Norway
* you are beautiful as you cast a long summer shadow across the 10pm sky
* when I see your people I think about a successful humanity who knows how to use resources and is really lucky to live here...they accept refugees, love the outdoors, and eat at all times of the day and never gain a pound & when the time comes they go to bed.
* as I travel across your land I see heights and sights never explored by anyone from Iowa---and even those from Denver would wonder what the Rockies were missing.
* i am not afraid to enjoy you because you mean me no harm
* i thank you for your generosity for the time being......even though like a strict parent you kick me out every year demanding that I apply to come back in and live here. That get's tiring....but you are good like that---not everyone can be here! I learn to lean on your discernment.
* one more thing----you look good in scarves and hats----just like me. I guess we are twins.
Sincerely your friend!
Erika James
p.s. I am really looking forward to getting to know you better. I mean this could be our last time in this context. Let's make the most of it. Yipee!
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