Please forgive me for being a jerk. One time I was talking about you behind your back and I did not say such nice things. It's just that sometimes I was discouraged by being here and then when I thought about coming back and hanging out I was sad and sort of worried that you would hurt me again. I was wrong. Please forgive me for thinking that you would hurt me...instead of letting me bless you first. I hope and I pray that I can come with an attitude of grace and peace as I walk through your streets as I talk to your people and as I take pictures of your landscape. I believe you mean more to me than I have actually understood. I suppose it will come down to the last moment when I will finally say goodbye and I will wish there was more time. I hope I can have that time now....instead of remorse for it later. So let's start on the right foot.
I want to be here. I want you to know that. There are of course other places that I would love to be right now, but God has not prepared me to be there yet. There will be time for those things later. Don't be anxious is what goes through my heart. I am sure you felt a little neglected when I first came....but know now---my attitude has changed. I choose to be here. I have not failed at this. I will not fail because God has anointed me for the job. I look forward to blessing you beyond your wildest imagination...because God is going to do it through me.
Listen here....let me tell you the truth:
An Ode to Norway
* you are beautiful as you cast a long summer shadow across the 10pm sky
* when I see your people I think about a successful humanity who knows how to use resources and is really lucky to live here...they accept refugees, love the outdoors, and eat at all times of the day and never gain a pound & when the time comes they go to bed.
* as I travel across your land I see heights and sights never explored by anyone from Iowa---and even those from Denver would wonder what the Rockies were missing.
* i am not afraid to enjoy you because you mean me no harm
* i thank you for your generosity for the time being......even though like a strict parent you kick me out every year demanding that I apply to come back in and live here. That get's tiring....but you are good like that---not everyone can be here! I learn to lean on your discernment.
* one more thing----you look good in scarves and hats----just like me. I guess we are twins.
Sincerely your friend!
Erika James
p.s. I am really looking forward to getting to know you better. I mean this could be our last time in this context. Let's make the most of it. Yipee!
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