Orange is one of the healthiest colors you can look for. Orange vegetables contain beta-carotene, a form of Vitamin A, which is great for eyesight and eliminating free radicals. The beta-carotene gives the vegetable its orange color.
Some of the healthiest orange fruits and vegetables are:
sweet potatoes
squash & pumpkin
These fruits and vegetables are great sources of nutrients and usually have a sweet flavor, making them ideal for satisfying those cravings for sweets.
Sweet Potatoes are one of the best orange foods. Part of the root family, they have huge amounts of beta-carotene, manganese, copper, fiber, B6, potassium, iron and just about anything else you think you could possibly pack into a small potato-like case.
Squash & Pumpkin These two foods are closely related, and actually come from the same family of vegetables, known as squash. They're loaded with fiber as well as beta-carotene. The squash family of vegetables is great at fighting off cancer, especially lung cancer, reducing the risk of heart disease and aiding in fighting against type-2 diabetes. Pumpkins specifically are great for urinary tract support and aid in the function of the kidneys. Years ago, pumpkin seed oil was even used to treat burns and wounds.
Carrots, a great food for eyesight, are the richest vegetable source for beta-carotene. Carrots reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease, help prevent macular degeneration, and help control insulin levels to those with diabetes. While cooking foods typically removes some of their nutrients, this isn't so with carrots. Lightly cooking them actually helps to release the carotenes, which are otherwise trapped.
Mangos are high in iron and help fight against anemia and reduce kidney problems, fever, and respiratory problems. They can even relieve clogged pores of the skin.
Oranges, the typical orange fruit, is not so typical when you take a closer look. Oranges eaten in larger amounts can even decrease a runny nose.
Papaya contains digestive enzymes, which help break down some of the more difficult foods in our stomach, such as beans, dairy, and even meat. Due to the high fiber content, papaya also helps with constipation and even upset stomach. The one thing papaya has been known for around the world is its ability to prevent nausea, including morning and motion sickness if taken in the juice form.
Trinidad Mango Salsa
yields 1 1/2 cups
1 ripe mango or papaya
1 red chile, minced
1 garlic clove, minced
juice of 1 lime
salt & ground pepper to taste
Peel the mango or papaya, discard the stone or seeds, and chop the fruit combine it with the remaining ingredients.
Spoon the salsa into a jar, cover tightly, and refridgerate. It will keep for a month. Use Trinidad Mango Salsa as a condiment with vegetables or fish, or serve it with chips.
I would love to know what you think about the recipe. Enjoy!!

1 comment:
Always nice to read your blog Erika.
I can imagine that you made a good impress on Wills parents when you made that salat ;-)
Send my greetings to Will.
Stay blessed Jesus is the best!
Marius the christian viking
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