
So unproductive, yet producing so much!

These last days have been real trials. My dad wrote a song about trials and its really peppy and creative....however when you are going through them you don't want to sing a peppy song....and I think that is the point. Take a chill pill sing a peppy song like "We will rejoice when we run into trials" oi! Rejoice we must. It seems like I am running in a slow motion dream. I have so much to do to stay 'on top' and I am delayed delayed delayed.

I have a painting to do....a wedding to play in.....and a few everythings to pack.

but....plans are coming together and I will be picked up by my friends in Skien when I arrive. I guess that is all I care about....whether any one cares that I arrived or not. THey care that I am leaving but that's only half the battle.

They care.

Let's just see if I can get there without shooting my foot first!

5 days and I am exhausted in my mind to think of it all.


Hannah said...

or BREAKING your foot like I did last year before going to Europe.

I just want to say that I'm looking very forward to hearing about your experiences and what you'll be doing this coming year!

Abril said...

hey - i heard you tried to email us, we really weren't ignoring you - we never got it. try again crulls at caimail dot net


Janelle said...

hey beautiful! Well it's almost departure day. I hope that all the preperations, packing, family and friend goodbyes are going well.
I just thought I'd let you know. Svein Rune and I will be gone on the weekend of the 3rd and 4th... we managed to get a car which we can drive a whole bunch of our stuff down to oslo in. At this point in time we're both probably coming back up to bergen and then going down later the next week. However, I havent completely decided yet. I hope that this doesnt complicate your visiting us. Let us know, eh? If you could figure out the dates as soon as youc an once you're in norway then we can see how it plays out.
Best wishes. LOoking forward to seeing you soon