
Buzzing in my head

My body is so moist right now......yes, moist is the word I used. I hate this word therefore I hate the feeling I have right now. Our house is without central air and I am packing my bags upstairs in the thick, moist heat. I wish I could freshen up.....but that blasted upstairs heat will send me crooning down the slippery slope to Sweatville.

Honestly, I am exhausted. I am just ready to be on that airplane....after all this round and round. I don't know what to decided anymore and I am to the point of sweeping choices. For example, do I take all of these skirts or just one......or NONE! one book, two, or ALL!

There was a going away party last night and I was so encouraged. I was hugging and smiling from ear to ear all day. God is faithful and he has presented His love in full to me while here in Orange City. No rock was left unturned.

How do I know if this year was good? If only one person was encouraged by the Lord this year, it would have made it worth it. That's hard to say when you are in a place that could actually leave you wondering if one person was blessed by the love of God in a whole year. But for me here I saw it. I saw God work and change people and grow them and love on them. Amazing.

Norway has a pretty high bar to reach----Orange City has set it's standard in my heart and I will be sad to leave--but truly expectant of what God is about to do here and in Norway. IT's only healthy to think like that....otherwise I will cry.

Off to the torcher chamber of death by sweat.



Princess Of God said...

i love you so much...

Princess Of God said...

welcome honey!
I`ll see you in a couple of weeks...by the way, you`re heartly welcom in my BBQ party the 8th of august, just before the Go-fest....