June 3, 2007
First Reformed Church
Orange City, IA
I really hope a bunch of people come to this event. I am so excited about all the participants who have agreed to help..to sing, dance, and make bars. It is all coming together in the last weeks. Seriously, even in this God has used my experience to stretch me. I need to just trust him and the work with go...and will come and will be patient. I have written seven songs this year and I am thrilled to be able to debut them at the Arts for Missions. There are some art pieces that I am going to sell, however that is sort of hard to do. I just really want to create the atmosphere of celebration for all God has done this year in the lives of the people I was around---which changed me! I am so thankful. But I also don't want to miss the opportunity to say good-bye to all my lovely and dear friends. Who knows when we shall meet again. It is all in the hands of the Lord. Amen
I`m so looking forward to you come! Its going to be so nice to see you again;)
Sorry, don't think I can come. Sounded fun, though. :) Would like to see more of your amazing art.
i would love to be there- but i'm over here ... awaiting you and your visit :) But i must say i think that this arts for missions is an absolutly great idea. What better way to make people aware and to celebrate than to let people use their art to worship god... and your art too :) I'll pray it'll go well and that you'llbe able to sell some of your art work :)
ENjoy your weeks
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