
my last midnight dance

today is the last day that I have a computer in my room. My ever so studious sister will bring her computer to Northwestern College tomorrow. And no longer will I be able to rise in the middle of the night to hold close the keys of quick and easy world wide access. No longer will my steps be delicate across the white carpet to reach the creaky chair next to the small tv table where the View Sonic sits--displaying its color and life. My heart just breaks--as I will return to the use of a lathargic and quite oversized hunk of challenged electrical machinery they call a family computer. so as much as I would love to greet you at my ever whim and call, lo I can not ask you to dance.

forgive me for i have to write you a letter.


karen amalie said...

thank you for nice commment, erika. and, i'm sorry about your computer situation.. :)

Anonymous said...

but you told me that you will dance early morning.