
shrimpy in my tummy

Ragnhild's mom and dad came on Saturday.
They are so generous!! They bought a refrigerator full of food for us. They came home with everything we could want. And more.

bread (white)
orange juice
whole shrimp

I was just about to say I was going to bed on Saturday night around 10:30 and Gunnar (Ragnhild's dad) says 'well we better start the food then'. Huh? I always thought Norwegians were strange because they ate food so late at night...but this was ridiculous.
Yes folks, those whole shrimps were going to be going in my tummy just before bed. I was like WHAT!!! I suppose I didn't have to eat. But you know cracking the heads off those little guys while their black eyes are still looking at you has a little bit of satisfaction in it.

The process was something like this:

1. Pick one up from the ice cold stash in a watery bowl. Try to chose a male (the females are always carrying young ones in a creepy black eyed pouch underneath thier legs)
2. Snap off the head
3. Open the ribs
4. Pull off the tail like a sock off your own foot
5. Create a small pile on your plate (after gathering enough to cover a piece of bread move on)

6. Toast WHITE bread (don't ask why...it is just the way it goes)
7. Butter the toast
8. Lay the shrimps down
9. Squirt lemon juice on top
10. Sprinkle lemon salt over them
11. Squeeze some dashes of lemon tasting mayonaise on them
12. Eat (preferably right before bed---it helps to create crazy dreams)

I guess this was such a hit with me here....that Gunnar and Janne are going to have some shrimps available when my mom, dad, and sister come with me to Bergen in June. I know that dad will love it....I think mom and Christa .....AND Will might squirm a bit. HA HA HA! So fun!


CJ Hydeen said...

Oh Boy Erika, I have never liked shrimp...I never eat it even here in the states !!!!

cynthia said...

lol...the first time I saw shrimp with the heads on it grossed me out. I was I think around 13 and I loved shrimp....but after that it took me a year to eat them again!