I am so calmly overwhelmed by it all. It really was just me picking him up from a bus stop...but really-----IS HE REALLY COMING? IT'S SO SURREAL! I stood at the pink hotel (in photo) for a half an hour with my heart in my toes and a prayer on my lips watching for the bus to come around the bend to enter the city center. Oh that strange peace was over me. Then...
the bus came!
I wished I could see into the window of the bus to catch his eye, but I just waited until the man I recognized (with the great looking scarf and H&M jacket) came out to step upon the ground that I know----and is completely strange to him. In two seconds, there he was. I realized how nervous I really was. We hugged and got his bags from the bus before they pulled away. So......now what?
It's just strange and wonderful. He lives at the base in jail cell number 15! I lived there for two years myself (and strongly disliked its feeling of a jail). He will get the experience of this first hand which is a crazy way of doing life together. I am so thankful for this time. I guess if I ever talk about Skien, the jail, Norway, my friends from here and the food again....he will understand. I do not take that lightly. There is so much I can not be light about. God is truly good and making these things come to pass. My nerves are calmed, but my heart stirs. What is God really going to teach us while we spend three months in Norway with a small team and a skeleton sized YWAM base? I have the inkling that my relationship with God is going to be great....I will need to hear His voice on every level!
Perhaps you were unaware of the fact that this is my last year here. I will be finishing my time in Skien come June! I am very desperate to finish well here and be released from the leadership to move forward with my life. I am so grateful for what I have learned while here in Norway and will never forget the times God taught me great wonders in His name. I look forward to see myself somewhere else and there is peace in my heart. I have to be thankful for the fact that my heart is not running from Norway. It might have been some months or a year ago. I enjoy it here now....finally. Then as I decided to go the decision was harder---but God has been making it clear to me since last June and through this year. I made my decision last week upon speaking with the base leader here. Maybe Will likes it so much that he wants to stay? Well then we have to fear the Lord about that----and it will work for me to be in the states and him to be here. However, I just don't see that happening.....but God is in control.
I look forward to hearing from Will what he thinks of the culture, the food, the people, the clothes, the ministry....blah blah blah. I will try not to be overbearing but let him fend for himself a bit. That is the only way to get a real CULTURE SHOCK. I would be mean to not let him experience that for himself. It's the only way I could hear God speak to me. Culture shock is a way to get foreigners close to Him. It works.
This week is busy with many things on our plate----a leader weekend with worship and lots of practical work plus two church events on Sunday. And adding a member to the team is not an easy task either. So....there is much to keep in prayer as I seek wisdom from God. How to be the leader of this team and what He is speaking to us about these events coming up. The first couple times we are together as a team will indicate how we are for the rest of the time. I want to hear what God has to say about it. That is where the life is!
Thanks for reading my blog. To all of you who were faithful to declare your faithfulness to a blog that sometimes is a bit boring. I hope that this helped you. I got an inspiration to share a lot today....enjoy and please comment to help me clear my thoughts. any advice??
check out the new WELLSPRING blog at .... wellspringskien.wordpress.com
so yes, the wait is over as it is said on the title of this blog. the wait for Will to come is over...but in my heart I am still waiting. I am waiting to finish my time here in Norway. I enjoy it as I go...but I am in fact in another special count down. These next three months are so special to me. I wish you were all here with me too!!!
I imagined a movie scene as you waited for the bus, and so vividly described it. I need to see you several times before your time in Norway is up.
Enjoy spring time.
Your friend.
blessings to you! blessings to Will! your words always make me need to hear more.
Thanks for letting me see into your world!
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