

we have returned to Norway now.
first we drove to Turku, Finland and then took a 11 hour boat across the Gulf of Bothnia which is between Sweden and Finland (an arm of the Baltic Sea) to Stockholm, Sweden.
it really was a fun land. i guess you can imagine.
in all honesty I can say that being away from the base was the best decision I could make. i felt so refreshed to meet the people there.

sometimes there are times that I am not myself. but on this trip i challenged myself to be just as I was and let down some guards. i was definitely refreshed by trusting God in this way.
i will say more later....while I add some photos.

ken and linda helser are here this week. it's a heartfelt love that i can enjoy now.
they are like a mom and dad for me---one that I met when I was in some hard times. it has been good already.

ragnhild and I made a snow-mama for Helina when she came home. She was wearing a scarf on her mis-shaped head and had candy lips and licorice eyes. i wonder how long it will last. we have some strange neighbors who might have a good time taking thier strangeness out on that snow mama.

i just heard that my boyfriend Will and his traveling mobile team had a trailer filled with instruments and it was broken into last night. All the instruments were stolen. There are some instruments to be used in the next couple of gigs....but what a challenge. God has been keeping them encouraged and will provide all along the way. Please pray for them as they are keeping on the road there in Chattanooga, TN.

things are happening...are you hearing what God is saying to you today?

you can hear God in everything and miss God in anything too.

1 comment:

Kunnari said...

good to hear that things in my motherland went well for you.