Playing worship at the GOFest with Jan Honningdal and friends. A man pulled another man up to the stage and said to me....'Play healing over this man!' I thought he said, 'pray' so I stopped playing and prayed immediately----he said, 'NO! Don't pray! PLAY!' So I did and I felt that heaven came down in a whoosh! It was so amazing. I wonder if the man was healed. I know he saw heaven though!

This is Lene...she plays a soprano sax in worship and when she does its like going into the heart and pushing away all the mess and seeing a huge open space. Such prophetic music! Praise God!

This is Pølle. I really missed this dread-head. He is a YWAMer and has been in Perth for a half a year. Read his blog...it's good stuff (and it is in English, Yvonne)

And of course my lovely Latvian missionary princess...Anne Randi. The real question is....How can we stay together for the rest of our lives? What must we do when we were born worlds apart!
I know, I know... heheh. But I wont tell the world, Erika. Nice plan=) I looove you!! Annis
oioioi i like both of those familiar faces... hmmm...
sounds like gofest was wonderful erika. Glad to see that God is still pulling on your heart. Keep it that way :) When the pulling stops i think we gotta wonder... are we too satisfied?
Hmmm...i hope your starting to find your place and feel at home.
hughughug from me
i do want to buy a CD! the other day we listened to your CD from camp manitoqua while coming back from the movie theater. it was great, but i am excited to hear you now a few years later. funny, i haven't heard you play in a long time.....saddness.
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