The game starts by two contestants standing arm length apart with thier legs firmly planted on the ground shoulder width apart. Straight arms to the partners' shoulders can measure correct distance.
The hands are placed in front of upper arms and then begin to push and shove one another. The point is to shove the other off center of balance. When a foot is moved back or up or adjusted to keep balance, then you lose that round. Usually rounds of 'out of three' are played and then go into either round robin tournement or just simply winner takes I did at this little gathering of photos. Erika took everyone. Sorry Ross, Ponch, and Sam---maybe next time. (Tracy didn't play, she's gonna get it)

Another trick is to move your hands away from the on coming hand push. Only hands can be other body contact. But hands can be tricky to hit. A good tip is to counteract the force by releasing your arms so the opponent comes flying towards you. If he touches you with his/her body, then they lose. But if you get scared and move your feet first, you lose first. If both are falling, like in this above photo. The call is who moved their foot first to catch themselves from splatting on the cement. The one who wants to keep thier skull first is the loser (unfortunately so).
Its always a good idea to have fun. Sam's got it right. Pointing and laughing is just fine in this game.
This game was enjoyed by many across the nations. I have played this game in my Orange City kitchen with dad and my sister and brother and ex-fiances and visitors and cousins and all of them. Then two years ago I brought it to Eastern Europe. The Hungarian high schoolers were entering competitions and going bizzerk! And this year, upon a hill in Qutobenie, South Africa a small group of children huddle around Yonela (Erika, with her South African name) to play round after round of Push-ov. And then returning to Cape Town to enjoy some real hearty laughs with good Norwegian pal Daniel Saxe (who was challenging competition). And of course, the here and now Orange City, IA. I tell you...if you are looking for an opportunity for people to just relax, open up and have fun, try it! Maybe it is the missionary in me, but people love it...and hate getting beat by girls. I'm no girl when it comes to Push-ov....I am an overcomer!
Thanks for the awesome cheering support. Push-ov is a lawn chair bringing type of event.
(People present in today's photos include: Ross, Sam, Ponch, and Kevin---and the invisible Tracy)
i've been punked. i hope you took a picture because i forgot to :)
oh and my dad won't be happy with the wasted lemon slice. he is very protective of his lemons.
Hey, Erika!
Sounds fun. I think I've played Push-ov in a couple of PE lessons...
I'm having bad conscience that I haven't sent you any mails yet - maybe I'll send you one soon, who knows!
Awesome! I am going to play push-ov with...ok well I have no one to play with right now..:(
Crazy you are back in iowa! How have you been ? We should chat about life, minors, scotch tape, and your amazing adventures - do you have MSN??
I remember those days of old,
where we played this game in the cold,
in the Basement the hands collided,
and many a laugh provided.
Er-ika is definately no pushover,
I must tell you that.
i heard it can get pretty intense.
concentrate. failure is not an option.
but if you feel the need to vomit, swallow it.
I dont know ,but I want to play...shall I ?
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