Question #1: Who are these people?
Question #2: Where have they been all year?
Question #3: Which one has bigger eyes?
Question #4: What extracurricular activity brought them together?
Question #5: How many years ago?
Question #6: What are the middle names?
Question #7: Single?
Question #8: Why?
Question #9: What does Rock Valley have to do with it?
Question #10: Where are they when this picture was taken?
To be able to answer these questions, I would have to be in the position of knowing both those sets of eyes.
But I don't.
What's the prize?
well, you can just know....and that is good!
Thanks for adding me to your MSN. Send me an email of the cats you got contacts with so I can join in the fun.
well at least i know one is you!! hey im smart... and the top on at that. I hope your week is going amazingly wonderful.. .chase after the unknown..
i know! i know!
but i guess that's cheating...
yep...no cheating.....and yes, one of them is me---the top one.
i am going to guess.
#1 you and me
#2 norway/south africa and nicaragua
#3 you
#4 this depends. we played little league softball together back in the day. we also played against eachother in high school vball and then together in college. is RAing a extra-curricular sport?
#5 see answer #4
#6 james and alice
#7 very much so
#8 b/c of my fricken eyes!
#9 we both student taught there ("i don't pump up my balls very often")
#10 lost in each other's eyes :)
yea! i win!
Ponch---you're wrong!
Gosh, ruin all the fun
Never again! How's your bran muffins and your teddy bear you sleep with?
after looking your eyes,I got scared in my dreams .
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