
nokomis: cold glass of fresh water friend

my cold glass of fresh water friend Brielle is here!
She is sleeping, shhhh! All the way from a distant land of Eugene, Oregon.

She reminds me of Proverbs 25:25
'Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land'

Poncho came home from Nicaragua!
Diana will come from Pennsylvania/Uganda
Lindsey will come from Florida

What a reunion...refreshing water to a weary soul.


me said...

"marco".... "polo"...


Kunnari said...

come to sioux center... our garage is the bomb...

Ingebjørg said...

So, I finally got to write you something... Thank you so much for this link, I`m telling you, this page is gold. So inspiring! Think about it,here I am, sitting on the other side of earth, reading about you everyday life with God, and I really feel so refreshed from it! The way you write, it`s so poetic. Like nothing but poems, all of it. And also, it`s been an adventure to take jorneys through some of your links, leading me to other inspiring pages... So, thank you....:) I have actually got a little blog of myself, but it`s still quite a little baby (and in norwegian, I`m sorry), but the page is never the less http://ingiscomminrightatcha.blogspot.com/ (I know, a bit complicated maybe..:) So, you`re more than welcome to visit...:) GB! Your eternal friend, FramnesIngebjørg:D

Ingebjørg said...
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Janelle said...

Friends sure are a blessing from God eh? Cherish the moments... breathe them in... drink them down! Enjoy! :)