
ice cream cones

walking with God
is like eating an ice cream cone
it gets really messy
especially on your hands
when the summer is hot
thick with humid air
hanging on your lips like
a spoon to your nose
in fancy restaurants
or big family gathering
mom gives a look,
you smile

drips of melted sweet
remind you
this difficulty
licking the cold fallen taste
leaves more stick to the stain
stretching across soft
flesh skinned finger
tongue covered in the mess
hand in the mess
the mess still on a stick
mess in the other hand
like a mocking friend
of love and hate
one hand deals
the other heals
my mouth reaches
thirsting for that
everlasting taste
I bite, unprepared
for falling edges
as the world
slowly falls apart
when no one is looking
when left unattended

I realize my dismay
my fighting
I am revealed
I am relieved
soon my sticky tongue
layered thick with mercy
stretches down
slurping corners
between the cracks
fingers, webbed skin
wrinkled and perfect

a remembrance

the humid air
a vexon to my task
the ice cream tastes,
it is good

God is too
elh june2006


Anonymous said...

erika, you are beautiful and your room looks amazing! i can't wait to see it. i hope i can spend the nite at least once this summer.

do you remember laying in your bed talking about jon horlings? wow, how things have changed from that moment. God is a little crazy when you think about how "trippy" our lives have been. the fun thing is that they are not going to get any more normal. can i get a wittness? :)

see you in a week and 2 days!

Princess Of God said...

hi sweetheart!
nice pic u got there;)
I think a lot about you...
ther`s no one like you, not even anyone close to similar...
you`re so longed for!
love you

Princess Of God said...

jesus in you is so strong...makes me never forget you!
"there`s a place in my heart..."

Heidi said...

Erika, I miss you so much, you reflect God in a different way then I have seen before.

I have a picture on my wall, of you and I an a café in Oslo..

Love you

Janelle said...

Erika- good to see your blog. So how is it to be home??? Oh man I miss all you wonderful people! ANd yes Im together with Svein Rune :) You're not slow! Keep in touch girl!

Anonymous said...

Erika my dear, I have known you for years, but I sit here and want to know you more. I love you.