this week has been filled with adventure and it is only Monday evening. I love to be here in Iowa...reuniting with friends of college days and good old Orange City townfolk. Sunday night I gave a 45 minute presentation on Norway and my experience in missions. God filled me with a wonderful peace that just melted my heart all the way through the program. Afterwards I was able to talk to some who came and even met a NW Iowa woman who has been in Figi and Samoa in YWAM in her 20's. I didn't know they existed here. Cool! After after after that I walked with Tracy and her tall, dark, and deep husband to Dianne's house for round one of Sunday evening desserts--homemade popcorn. We walked to my house (just around the block) for Sunday Sundaes on the patio. What a life it is to enjoy ice cream with friends and misquitoes!

Tracy and I are finally back together after 9 long months apart!
Domestic Endeavor for the day: Canning Peaches

It's me and I am looking more 26 1/2 every day!
The travel turtles made a really good outline for my presentation on Norway and missions. I used some pictures I had taken of them around Europe and the States---and shared about fellowship with God and fellowship with each other. One man thought the turtles would be as big as your hand....because I took really close up pictures so the proportion looked off. When I took them off to show him he gasped....'what?? they are so small'

This is CaPo from Hong Kong. She was really curious about these turtles at the service. She had us come for dinner tonight and find out more. Now these little guys (made in China) have been held by a native to thier birth place. Does that mean I can count it on my travel turtle atlas log?
TOmorrow is art day with Matt Kunnari and more weeds at Pumpkinland with Poncho. I love my is a peach!
God loves me
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