
hearing the heart

it's been a super cool adventure so far to hear the heart of God with my two girls Helga and Maria. I am so blessed to walk with them in obedience to what we sense in our guts! I have never in all my life been this close...and far at the same time to knowing where I was walking, but with the increase of faith been ready and willing to go. i of course have to admit that because of some events that were difficult in Switzerland...appointed meetings from people giving encouragements and rebuke I have grown to see a new perspective. shall I share? humbly I confess that my pride has made me the center of everything. I have been riding the pride train....thinking I was so humble. its fairly easy when the tasks at hand are not incredibly difficult but what about when it becomes difficult? is the failure my fault? or do I start leaving the blame somewhere else....hmm. I have been defending myself...my pride instead of fessing up to the weakness. Its easy for me to pretend I am strong. I guess that is what pride is---keeping your reputation. so to give you more meat...in switzerland I was opened up to the reality of my pride and how (to my prideful surprise) I actually was annoying to someone. WHAT? People dont think that I am completely awesome all the time? What a concept. oi. this is very good. I remember the feeling I had when that was said by my friend....and it was a good hit in the gut. i still feel that hit in the gut....but it's how I recognize the call of God. the tough love and the asking---will you change for me? will you transform to my image? will you lay your pride down and obey? I want so desperately to hear the heart of God. I struggled quite a bit when I was in this music thing for the performance of it. I stopped hearing the heart...and I almost stopped having compassion for the lost. one great man of God in Switzerland told me to always have a good judge of a ministry: look at the fruit--is there compassion? is there a heart for the lost? are people discipled? hmmmm......I look at my life as a ministry ( as I am a minister of reconciliation) do I have compassion? do I have a heart for the lost? are people discipled in whom I walk with? I was saying no to 2 of 3. NOT GOOD! How is that for humbling. so let's start from the beginning again I say. what is the root of that fruit? i think that if there is no love then there is nothing. read 1 cor. 13. Perhaps I was a clanging cymbal. clang clang clang. so all I can ask is that God fills me with his love every day. he hits me in the guts with His love. now I am beginning to hear His heart. amen.

1 comment:

andrea said...

good words for us all. thanks.

love the new look! :)