
Week 3 Report

I just came home from a rock band party and my head is spinning. I dont really like loud noises and I really dont like the rockus head banging involved with the 'guitar hero' type game. it was a party hosted by the school leader, Rachel Warren. She made cookies and threw them at people straight of the hot pan. She has a crush on someone at the base and I have been trying to figure it out. Can you believe the things I have on my mind?

Well that is not necessarily true in the end....because this week we have been learning about worship and the Word of God. To worship with the Word is totally necessary. I was inspired and shocked to understand a bit more about praying the Word and really meditating on it to get it inside of me! The teacher, Mary Jean Powers has taken her DTS in Sweden. It was sweet when she told me that she has been praying for 3 years about coming to Scandinavia again. I talked to the base leader in Skien and we would really like to have her come to the DTS next year. I think it would be so great for them to hear her insights. In one activity we were given a topic sheet and had to pick a topic that the Holy Spirit prompted....and then look up that verse and pray it through. We had to pray into the verse and let it be our prayer. I chose one on loneliness. (Because I feel that way....especially in a new place, and new culture, and everyone has a nose ring, and knows the inside jokes.) I was given the verse from Romans 8:35-39. And then it happened. As Mary Jean's son David was playing the guitar softly, I began to sing this verse. THERE IT IS:......THE SONG. I wrote the song for this next Monday that day. When I went to the piano to try it out I just sat there weeping. God was healing my heart as He was worshiped. The chorus has a stunning melody and comes in with:
*Nothing can Separate, loving you Jesus
Nothing can separate our love*

I think you would cry if you heard it.

Tomorrow I am going on a hike with another lady staff here. I look forward to that outside time. The snow went away and now the sun is as bright as it can be.

Some prayer requests:
I desperately want to discover the fear of the Lord
Focus of heart and soul in this school
To look for the opportunities to minister to people. To love them.

Thanks for reading this one!
Any comments. Any words or encouragements??


Share my world said...

Hey Erika,

It's special to read your thoughts here. Can appreciate the honousty in it!.. It seems that God is doing some deep 'stuff' in you. Forgive my choice of words, since I'm Dutch.. ;-)Just wanted to say that I'm following your adventures here on your blogg..

Peace my sister,


Laurel said...

i miss your music. i really want to hear that melody.

Maria said...

Jeg tror sangen din er vakker!
Im excited to hear it! And to hear your heart in music shape again!

Iwill keep you in my prayers!
keep your heart;)

klemmer fra botswana!