Saturday Aug 5, 2006
Sundown in the valley at Lanyon Family Farm
Carthage, MO
Mr. Overall Chops and his City Slicker Side Kick
Jay was the best teacher ever. I have never shot a gun before and tonight we didn't just shoot guns we aimed, loaded, fired, and conquered-----a broken tv.

The guns are laid out on the tarp and as desired you just say 'Hey can I shoot the M44?' Sure! Load it up, shoot away. Jay's friend Jonny (Jauncito) with the brown cross swords shirt--brought a large wooden ammunition box brimming with bullets and shells to make a small boy giggle. And when I got started, I started to giggle too. Yes I think I giggled because Jay was using an old man cane.

She was apparently awesome at the pistol. Jay hesitated when I asked what I was good at. He says it was the shotgun...but I think he was struggling to satisfy my tender shooters heart. At the end of the evening we did something call the SYMPHONY. This is where everyone loads up all the guns with tons of ammunition and on the count of three lets them all go. The glorious noise, and smoke and parazza of it all was jolting. I had the shot gun....and it jammed. So all I did was dodge flying shells and try not to shoot my foot off.
Erika- so cool that you go to visit Jay! Oh man, that must have been a fun time. Looks like it at least. Well, I hope you're having a great summer girl. I'm soon heading back to Norway. The good Lord is slowly making me better :) Anyway beauty, enjoy the works of the Lord's hands
oh killers.did you kill anything?looks nice in yellow
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