
Rooibus Tea Please

Monday night I was cleaning at the Nederlander Grille where I am a waitress I had made a comment in Norwegian and my co-waitress Leah inquired, 'Yeah, why were you in Norway anyway?' I simply said," YWAM." and she was up in a stitch! She was joining too! I had been sitting across from Orange City's next 2006 YWAMer. Now there are three! Matt Hulst, romping around some random country like YWAMers should: me, trotting the streets of Orange City with smiles and encouragements: and now 18 year old Leah Durst who will endeavor into the mysterious realms of YWAM Guadalajara starting in September.

My 8:30 till 10:00 was spent with this girl, we met for hot beverages at the new Koffiehoek in Orange City.

I had Rooibus which means Red Bush--coming from (oooh so lovely) South Africa. The taste of the tea reminded me of street evangelism on Friday nights in Cape Town where a man named Koobos would traipse us up and down the streets of this crime ridden hole and to show us the spiritual holdings of sin and evil gripping thousands of souls. Welp, let's take a break---and walked back to the church for tea and coffee.

Someone 'volunteered' to stay behind and prepare the tea while the others went out and did the scary evangelism..."thanks for volunteering, where would we be without you? It's good you did, because I am not sure anyone would want to stay behind, not when there are souls to save, and freaky men to pray will not touch you. Thanks for doing the tea".....however, deep down we all wanted to be the one who got to just stay back and prepare the tea and coffee in the safety of the church walls...behind a steaming cup of Red Bush.

As I drank the tea Leah would just ask questions and soak up my words of YWAM like a sponge. She graduated high school and has heard the voice of God. She is heading out with that calling into the wild world.

I went to the cashier to receive my Red Bush tea and the owner bumbled out of the kitchen with his eyes on me and his bottom lip curling slightly upward like a piece of bologna warmed in the microwave for 25 seconds.

"Hey, hey you...I'm talking to you,"

I stopped, my pounding heart. Was the sugar not free?

"So, that whole wall is empty...you want to display and sell your art here?"


Mentor. Evangelist. Missionary. Entrepreneur. Artist. Rooibus Tea Please.


Janelle said...

hey girl- see how God puts people in our paths!!! You were just a huge encouragement to that girl. Imagine how changed she will be when she comes back! Woo hoo... God is on the move.
Oh- congrats about the art by the way!!!!
I enjoy hearing how you're doing erika- so inspiring! :) HUG

Janelle said...

oh hey- just thought of something for ya:
"The Lord sits enthroned over the flood, the Lord is enthroned as King forever. The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace."
Psalm 29:10-11
"The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul"
Psalm 19:7a
Receive his strength and peace. And abide in his laws- let him revive you! He's the only one who can.

nokomis said...

erika! that's awesome about your art. so much exposure already.
your life is so exciting,,, i want to be your shadow sometimes.

Cristina said...

We haven't met- I just checked out your blog from Brielle's. I went to Dordt too and am a fellow YWAMer! I did my DTS in a little chapel on Maui, then went on outreach to Cambodia and Laos. You gotta love the YWAM family...

Unknown said...

okay, just read your blog for the first time in a while. love the pics - i am staling them when i get back.

i also plan on going to the grille for some food while i am home. i can't decide if i want you to wait on me or if i want you to eat with me. maybe both? :)

oh and here is a song for you: "fruitfulness, fruitfulness is what i long for. fruitfulness is what i need....."