When I came home from Norway just about a month ago my mom and dad had a surprise. They gave my bedroom a face lift. Mom was on her belly painting with a toothpick practically. From the way it sounded, she was sleeping and eating this room for weeks. All is appreciated, so appreciated. Its been a hard year in Norway and to come home to something new and fresh, just as new and fresh as myself. Something brand new will happen here in Orange City...who knows it could be a citywide sleep over. Bring your jammies! If you are in OC...feel free to come over and view the glorious masterpiece set before me. Thanks mom and dad!
The Golden Palace

i like the room and the song from your last post and i like you.
you are nice.
everytime i look at a picture of you from our dance party i smile.
and p.s.
janos and momo said maybe they would see you on your escapade to norway. was that a success?
hi beautifull!
what a nice room...wow
I miss you
a lot
I often think
of you
then a huge
on my face
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