
Week 3: Hand-me-down shoes

I think that God´s plan is like a too-big pair of shoes I get from my older sister. Yeah, I know how cool my sister is and I look forward to the day that I can actually succeed at being cool. But it doesnt quite fit yet. I have a lot of growing to do. These handed down sneakers will need to just be a hope until that time. Okay, so metaphorically it works, but theologically it is a failure. I dont want to think of God´s plan as a stinky pair of hand-me-down shoes but rather God´s plan is pure and faultless, and always just-my-size. I am growing in his plan as I am. Just as I am.


Norwegian Winter

children wave at
winter hung trees
foggy car windows
daddy does too
but not Hello
"can't see!"
hidden wonders
as we pass by those
winter hung trees
winking and bowing