
rocks outside

this morning when I came to the office to meet for worship I noticed some unique changes in the city center. our office building is right in the middle of the city...and our city is not THAT big so it's not THAT cool. (H&M is only 100 meters away) There was a lady, a clipboard, a big truck, a crane, and some massive rocks--considered boulders. This lady was using her clipboard to show the big truck where to position the crane to place the massive rocks---considered boulders. What is the point of that rock being moved by that crane from the big truck from an instruction on a clipboard from that lady? I would like to know that.
Perhaps it is an installation art piece where she just puts huge rocks outside our building to make a stir amongst the people---to create a curiousity. It works. I think it looks ugly and I am an artist who usually appreciates a good art installation. The only redeeming part about it is that it makes for a couple really nice surfaces to sit on in the next two weeks.

i have begun to pack my stuff. oi. I have a lot. I really hope my mom and dad are not packing a lot in their bags because I have to use thier space well. speaking of rocks...my suitcase is a considerable boulder. I will be taking most of my stuff up the Hamar...4 hours north before my mom and dad even get here. Hamar is the last place on our adventure vacation. I will pick up my stuff in 4 weeks on my way home to America. I thought I had gotten rid of all the excess stuff but apparently there was a lot of stuff I really thought I needed to keep. To pack up so early is really sad. I think it's hard to just make this move home and by packing I am just reminding myself more and more of the inevitable final goodbye.

i have been having a better week. i am encouraged that the Lord has opened my eyes to His heart and to rest. there have been quite some changes in how I spend my time. We have been running from this to that in the last month and so now....after this weekend in Hamar we will be IN SKIEN for the longest amount of time since Easter. The DTS is graduating today. It's a bit sad to have to say goodbye to new friends. I think that the Lord has great plans for next year and for the staff and students. there will be new students, new adventure, and new seasons for everyone. it's good. the only thing the same is God.

I wish I could be like that lady with the clipboard and the truck and the crane and the rocks. She has so much authority to move rocks. it must be nice to go to bed at night knowing how much power she has. wow.


cynthia said...
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cynthia said...

Love this entry and your analogy.....but I have to say my dear that you have the ultimate clipboard..."the Word of God" and through the blood of Jesus and His awesome name you have the power and authority to move mountains not just boulders!
love you

Anonymous said...

Hi Erika! I found your blog, so now when you are leaving Norway I can follow you here:) I totaly agree with the rocks, they're very randomly placed, but it's kind of fun too. And did you know, they had a opening/celebration of the installation the same night as we graduated?... Best wishes from me and God's blessings!
Ragnhild (dts.student:)