
Heart thaw

I talked to a friend of mine who is traveling with the Reboot. We are together a lot and so you notice if something is different. I noticed and asked. She said her heart hurt like frozen hands before a blazing fire. Ouch. That feeling of the cold hands or cold feet before the flames is so painful. You have to slowly warm up your hands before it can handle the flames. The cold is so slow to melt off. At times I am frozen to the bones...do you know the feeling? Perhaps it is because I am in Norway...but I think also that it is because I dont always wear wool! ----'ull'----means wool in Norwegian. I have a friend whose last name is Ullenes. A 'nes' is a cape of land (like the cape of good hope)....put it all together-----Wool cape! It makes me laugh. Sounds like a warm blanket of mercy to me.

My heart is the same as those hands and feet frozen to the bones. The fire of God is coming close. And it hurts. Not a bad hurt, but a melting hurt. Since when is it painful to melt? When you have been frozen next to forever...then freedom hurts. Would you agree? It is because God has given me a heart of flesh not a heart of stone. Stones don't melt. (unless under intense volcanic pressure from within the core of the earth...happening daily)

Although it hurts to be near the flame..the burning heart of God. I desire to be there. I know I must. I cant have frozen hands and feet. Those are what God is using---I can't be stiff.

how ironic---freedom hurts.

wet meat makes a mess and I do too.


Paul Andreas said...

This other day, I cut myself on frozen meat. Literally.
Thawed meat is hard to cut yourself on...

Stones said...

Hehe.. stones can melt yes, of high loving pressure from The Son Of God!