


Yesterday I was cleaning my room, which I do fanatically lately...I love to have a clean room. Everything in its place. I found this paper cover magazine with the words Grunewald Guild on it. Looked like it came from the 80's so I thought to toss it...then looked more seriously on the issue date. 'Winter 2006' Huh, interesting. So I flipped through the pages. It was an art guild in Northwest US. How had they gotten my address? And it was a Christian organization. I intently read more and realized, wow this random find which was almost tossed sounds really cool. Unfortunately I had missed all the summer courses and opportunitites to volunteer my summer and recieve free board, free food, and a free art course every week. shucks. But, maybe I will continue to look into it. There is always next year.

Why do we see what we do as the day floats by. Why is it that sometimes our eyes are glued and minds get transfixed on images, a picture, a word, or a gesture. I know that God can speak through anything...and how fun if he is so tricky to speak secretly. If I want to hear God, I have to really watch, be awake, and be prepared.

I am craving to do more art, to just do it, create, to live in a community that celebrates my annointing. If Grunewald Guild is not even in my future, I know that my heart connects to something like it...and very close to it. That my heart beats wildly for a place to be me.

The mind realizing what the heart has long time felt...that's a revelation.

"I'm inspired by those that find thier gifts and live a life that celebrates it."
-Richard Caemmerer: founder of Grunewald Guild, Leavenworth WA

"When we can create, tell our stories, share images from the deeper places, it touches that holy place in each of us."
-Liz Caemmerer: founder of Grunewald Guild


Tom said...

Hi Erika!

Christine said...

Hey there beautiful!!!! How are you long time huh?? How is life back at home? Hope all is good and that you are enjoying God to the fullest. Hope to talk to you soon. I mean goodness it is for free in the good ole us of a. (cell phones). Bye bye.
Stor klem, Christine